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I was at my little sisters birthday today, which meant I had to see my mum for the first time since I cut her out of my life.

She acted like nothing had happened and kept asking me questions about my life. She also offered to buy me school supplies which I declined and she asked "have you lost weight?" In a very excited tone...

I have not lost any weight by the way.

When it was time to go, my older sister and her boyfriend drove me home and I hugged the rest of my family but I didn't want to hug my mum which made her mad.

My other older sister also sighed at me because I didn't want to and then I was close to crying lmao.

Anyway, I'm eating meatballs right now which probably isn't a good idea if I need to lose weight.

Enjoy the chapter!


One year earlier

It was pouring down outside which wasn't exactly odd, but George and I had been supposed to go out on a date and now we couldn't because of the harsh rain.

Fucking England.

"It doesn't have to ruin our day." George had told me and kissed my cheek before leaving the living room, leaving me here alone as I stared out.

My arms were folded over my chest and I felt rather annoyed with today's weather, but then again, I couldn't do much to change it so all I could do was forget it and try and make most out of a bad situation.

"George?!" I called, looking towards the hallway where he had gone through to.

I walked out there and into the utility room where he stood, randomly washing his hands.

"What are you doing?"

"My hands smell like grease."

"Like grease?" I asked with a chuckle. "What have you touched?"

"I have no idea." He smiled. "Hey... when the school year ends and the kids are done with school, the six of us should go on holiday... for the summer, y'know."

I leaned against the doorway, watching him closely.

"A holiday?" I asked. "Where would you like to go?"

He looked at me as he dried his hands, a smile playing on his lips.

"I've always wanted to go to Canada?"


"Prince Edward island." He nodded. "Heard it should be beautiful there."

I hummed.

"I'd like to go to Canada." I agreed. "But I think the children would be bored."

"Probably." He nodded.

"We can always go to Canada, the two of us." I said. "And then find somewhere else for the six of us this summer."

He reached out and placed a hand on my waist, pulling me close to his body.

"We could always go to Canada on our honeymoon." He whispered before he kissed me softly.

"Honeymoon?" I chuckled. "We aren't engaged."

"Not yet, no."

I cocked an eyebrow at him and he chuckled, kissing me again.

"I have something to show you."

I let my eyes on his face as he grabbed one of my hands and led me out of the utility room and upstairs.

"I had to move my plans inside due to the rain." He said. "I wanted to take you out to that field we once sat on and talked before we back to my place for sex."

I smiled at the memory but my smile dropped when I realised what was happening.

When we got up to the landing, George moved behind me quickly and placed his hands on my hips, guiding me into our bedroom.

My eyes widened when I saw all the rose petals spread over the bed and the floor, alive candles floating in the air.

"The stupid rain ruined everything I had planned." He whispered, his voice so close to my ear.

I walked further into the room, running my hand along the edge of the bed, a few petals falling off the bed.

"George?" I asked and turned towards him, seeing him close the door behind him.

"Yeah?" He smiled, digging into his pocket to pull out a small square navy blue box.

"George..." I clamped a hand over my mouth as he slowly approached me.

"I've been wanting to do this ever since I saw you lay in my bed after our one night stand." He said. "There's always been something about you. Everything felt natural even when I didn't know you."

Oh shit.

"That was two years ago." he said. "Some of the best two years of my life. And I know you don't have to get married to prove that you love each other, but it wouldn't be for everyone else. It would be for us. A way to celebrate what we have. And when I die one day, you get a fraction of what I own."

I chuckled, smiling widely at him as he now stood right in front of me.

"I'm not gonna get down on one knee." He told me. "I know you hate that. It's too cliche, you say."

"It is." I nodded. "It's awkward."

"And that's why I wont." He smiled before he looked down at the box, opening it and while he looked at me again, I looked down at the ring.

It was a simple platinum ring with a round diamond on it and a small other ones trailing around it.

"I think two years is enough time to figure out that you're the person I want to spend the rest of my life with." He said. "We're practically already married and you've taken Fred and Roxi in as of they were you own. I couldn't imagine someone else in our lives, so Dia... will you marry me?"

I looked up at him. I couldn't smile and I could barely see him properly because of the tears in my eyes.

"Please don't say no." He chuckled. "That would be humiliating."

I shook my head, wiping my cheeks before I reached up, wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him.

"Of course I do." I whispered. "You're the only person I'd marry."

"Yeah?" He wrapped his arms around my back and lifted me up, spinning me around which made me shriek with laughter.

He laid me down on the bed, hovering over me while pressing kiss after kiss to my lips.

"Oh shit, the ring." He remembered, sitting up so that he was straddling my body without crushing me. "Give me your hand, love."

I gave him my left hand and he grabbed the ring before he slid it onto my finger, then studied it for a moment, smiling.

"Perfect fit, eh?" He grinned and leaned down to kiss me again. "Future Mrs Weasley."

I repaid the kiss, looking up at him before I looked at the ring on my finger.


"Ray-Weasley." I corrected him. "I want to have the same last name as Elsie and Leah."

"Of course." He smiled. "Mrs Ray-Weasley."

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