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I went to see my grandmother today.

She offered to wash my clothes now that I don't see my mum anymore so I finally have clean clothing again.

I have a washing machine but it isn't "plugged in" and it needs to be connected to the sink and do you think I know how to do that?


But my sister's boyfriend might so he'll look at it when he's got time. Hopefully it'll work soon.


Warning: Racism towards Dahlia

After the guests had arrived and before dinner, George pulled me aside, running his hands up the side of my neck, smiling down at me as he tilted my head back.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly. "With Henry being there and all?"

I nodded slightly and looked towards the dining room where everyone were getting settled.

Henry was in a conversation with Dove about god knows what. He had also met the kids and while it made me a bit anxious, he did seem to try and be a brother.

"What would you say if we announced the pregnancy?" George asked which made my head snap back up so that I could look at him. "Before one of the kids suddenly blurt it out again..."

"Announcing it?" I asked. "Now? At our wedding? With your mum there..."

"I know..." he said softly, pressing a kiss to my lips. "...but we'll have to announce it eventually and I'd rather have them know because we tell them, than them finding out because one of the kids accidentally let it slip."

I looked at him for a moment before slowly nodding.


He smiled and leaned down to kiss me again, resting his hands on either side of my jaw.

"Have I told you how beautiful you look?"

"A few times." I smiled. "Have I told you how handsome you are?"

"A few times." He mocked my voice and I laughed, shoving him in the chest before we joined everyone else in the dining room.

"Before we eat, we have an announcement." George said with a smile on his face, holding my hand behind him as we walked to our seats at the middle of the long table.

Everyone sat down, waiting for the food to be served. Everyone had been here for about an hour so everyone had greeted each other.

All eyes were on us as we stood in front of our seats. George kept a hold on my hand as I scratched the side of my neck.

"Do you want to do it?" George asked me, and I nodded.

"As some of you know, George and I have been trying for a baby for a little over a year." I started off, but was immediately cut off by Molly.

"A baby? George do you think that's wise? You've already got two."

"Mum, please." George held up a hand to shut her up before looking at me again with a reassuring smile.

"I'm nine weeks pregnant." I decided to just put it out there. "With twins. I'm due in February."

The room felt quiet and I looked to Inez and Dove who both smiled widely at us.

"Congratulations you two." Fleur spoke and got up to give each of us a hug and so did most of our guests, except from Molly and Ginny.

"Are you sure it's a proper idea to have?" Molly asked. "Bringing to new babies into your family? You've already got four in that household."

"Didn't you bring up seven?" I asked. "So why can't we bring up six?"

Her and I looked at each other as everyone else looked from her to me.

"I'm just trying to see logical." She told me. "Your babies will be mixed."

My eyes widened and I felt George's grip loosen on my hand as he too was shocked by that.

"Mum!" Charlie spoke, sending her a look as to tell her to stop acting like that.

"Kids—" George turned towards the end of the table where all the kids sat. "...go play outside before dinner."

Once they had gone outside, George turned to look at his mother.

"Mixed?" He asked. "You know who else is mixed? Fred and Roxanne."

"That's different."

"How?" He asked. "How is that different?"

"Angelina was..."

She sighed.

"Angelina was what, mum? Born and raised in England? Because so is Dahlia."

"She's obviously Indian." Molly said and gestures towards me, causing me to laugh.

"You're actually— you know, I shut up and took it every time you made some small comment towards me but you do not get to be fucking racist just because you have a problem with me." I said. "Guess what, Molly. I was born here, born in England and I am not less English than you are, and so what if I was born in India? That wouldn't make me less of a person."

Molly scoffed.

"I never said it did, dear."

"Why comment on my race?" I asked.

My mother was born in Uganda though she's Indian. Her half of the family still lives there but I've never really been in touch with that side and I've never been to either Uganda or India.

"Let me ask you this..." I said. "You say that I'm obviously Indian... you saw me before you knew about my family history. I looked the same then and you greeted me with open arms but as soon as your daughter spills the tea and tells everyone who my family is, you turn and now you have to bring race into this? I don't care if you like me, Molly. I used to care but now I don't. How you raised such wonderful sons while being such a bitch yourself, is truly a wonder."

I took a deep breath.

"Anyway. Yeah... I'm pregnant. George and I will be having twins and truly, I don't care about anyone's opinion, especially if it's negative. I'm happy about this. George is happy about this. That's all that matters."

I sat down.

"Mum." George spoke. "Can I talk to you?"

He led the way out of the room and Molly followed him.

At the same time, Fred leaned closer to me while Inez winked at me.

"You handled that like a champ." Fred grinned at me and I rolled my eyes at him while he sat back in his chair.

"I'm sorry about that." Ginny spoke and this time I looked at her, confused for a moment. "She's never been racist and I'm sorry that she uses you as an excuse to start."

I simply nodded.

"It's not your place to apologise, but thank you." I offered a small smile.

"Oh, and congratulations." She repaid the smile slightly.

"I hope they'll have red hair." Inez said. "That would be adorable."

"It would, wouldn't it?" I chuckled.

Eventually, George and Molly came back and not another word about race was being said. Everyone talked as we ate, a few speeches were made and other than that, we all had fun and I absolutely loved it.

George even made a speech that made me cry.

I already absolutely loved being married to him. The room was full of chatter and happiness, especially coming from the end where the children sat.

I even had a few conversations with Henry and to be honest, being able to talk to him felt kind of nice.

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