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I'm getting myself a hamster, probably tomorrow.

I received the cage today which I made sure was big enough, and then I want a boy so I can name him George *evil laughter*



I sat on the bed, waiting for him to answer. He had gone down to look through the post after having told me he should do it now because we'll be busy tomorrow.

When he didn't respond, I sighed and got out of bed before walking downstairs to see him stand at the kitchen island, looking at a letter with a frown on his face.

"What's up?" I asked. "What's that?"

He inhaled sharply.

"Their tearing down the houses on our street to build the first flats of Godric's hallow."

He looked at me as my expression dropped before I hurried over to grab the letter out of his hands, reading it through over and over again.

We had six months to find somewhere new to live before they kicked us out and started the process.

"You've got to be kidding me!" I laughed, shaking my head. "Why is this happening now? We spent so long looking for this house and we've only fucking lived here for two and a half years!"

George grabbed the letter back and looked at it before he folded it and put it down.

"We need to push that away for a moment." He said. "We're getting married in two days and then we're going to Canada. We can focus on this when we get home, yeah?"

I looked up at him and nodded slowly before glancing at the letter again.

"I actually wanted to talk to you about something you said earlier." He said and turned to look at me, resting a hand on the surface of the island.

I kept staring at the letter.

"What did I say?"

"You referred to Fred as my son."

"Well, he is your son." I chuckled, though I stopped when I saw that he didn't find it funny.

"He's just as much yours as he's mine." He said. "I was there to make him but you chose to be his mother. You've spent the last three years caring for him like a mother would, cooking him food, giving him a roof over his head. We did that together so he's not my son. He's ours."

"I know." I sighed and looked down. "It's just— you kept referring to him as your son when we were fighting and I just... I don't know."

"I did?" He asked, and I nodded slightly. "Look at me, Dia."

I didn't do what he said. Instead I continued to stare at the floor until he gently grabbed my chin and tilted it upwards.

"I'm sorry." He said. "Of course he's yours. Both he and Roxi are."

With a small smile, I wrapped my arms around his back and hugged him.

"Elsie and Leah are yours too... even though they don't call you dad."

He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and chuckled before pressing a kiss to my head.

"I know my place." He told me. "I'd never expect them to call me dad when they already have one whom they love."

I looked up at him.

"I'm just happy I managed to create a bond with them when I first met them." He said, brushing hair out of my face. "I don't know what I'd do if they hated me."

Blessings ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now