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Knowing that Fred and Roxanne wanted me to adopt them, helped cheer me up after my father showed up.

Inez and Dove were on cleanup duty and they were also going to be looking after our children while George and I were on our honeymoon.

Talking about the honeymoon, we were about to leave but I was currently removing my makeup, already having ruined it by crying.

"Dia, darling?" George knocked on the door to the room where I stood. "I've put our bags in the car. We'll drive home, park it, grab our bags and apparate to Canada."

I continued looking at myself and George walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around me, resting his head on top of my head.

"Other than two people trying to ruin the day, did you enjoy it?"

I nodded.

"It was a pleasure to marry you." I said and we both chuckled before he spun me around and leaned down to kiss me.

"The pleasure's all mine." He grinned, kissing me again, and then again. "Are you ready to go?"

I nodded.

"Let's go say goodbye to the kids."

George's hand found mine and he led the way out of the room and down the stairs.

We said goodbye to our kids, I gave Elsie money for that book she wanted and promised Fred and Roxi that when we got back, we'd get that adoption settled.

Then we said goodbye to Inez and Dove and their kids before walking outside where the car was pulled up to the entrance.

"I remember the first time you drove with me in the car." He said as we walked down to it. "You had no idea how to open the door."

I laughed.

"I had never been in a car before!"

"Or when you couldn't figure out the seatbelt." He smiled, looking at me while he opened the car door for me.

I looked up at him as I ran my hand around his waist and rested it against his back as I leaned up to kiss him.

"It still doesn't make sense to me." I said. "How is a leather belt going to keep you from dying in a car crash?"

"Let's not talk about car crash's when we're about to get into a car, yeah?" He grinned and I chuckled before I got in, pulling on the seatbelt while George closed the door.

He walked around the car and got in behind the steering wheel, exhaling heavily.

"Seventeen nights with no kids." He said and pulled on his seatbelt before turning on the engine. "Sounds like a dream."

I leaned my head back against the seat and laughed as I looked at him.

"Alright, let's get going." He said and as he started driving, I put on some music.

The ride from Caterham to Godric's hallow was three and a half hours. George had driven here and had gotten ready at the mansion while I apparated.

"Tell me again why we chose to get married almost four hours away from where we live?"

"It was the only place we could see ourselves getting married at." He said, glancing at me.

"Yeah." I breathed. "But now we won't get to Canada until in four hours after we've parked the car at the house. You could've given Fred the responsibility."

"Of driving my car?" He asked. "First of all, beautiful, Fred doesn't have a license. Most wizards don't, because we're wizards. Even he did have one, I wouldn't trust him with my car."

"That's probably a safe choice."

George was using one hand to drive, resting it against the steering wheel while his other hand rested on his thigh, tapping along to the music.

His sleeves were folded up all the way to his elbows and I couldn't help but stare at his arms.

"I'm sorry about my mother." He spoke, staring ahead to watch the road.

I shrugged.

"I just didn't know she was racist."

"She's not racist. She's—"

George sighed, shaking his head. I raised my eyebrows at him and let out a scoff before I turned my head to look out of the window, folding my arms over my chest.


"I know what racism looks like." I said. "When I was ten, playing on a playground nearby my childhood home, these older kids shouted at Nadine and I to go home to wherever we came from."

I then looked at George.

"I've never even been to India." I said. "Or Uganda. I was born in Carlisle. I was raised in Carlisle and your mother used her dislike towards me as an excuse to make racist remarks."

George didn't respond.

"I get that you're mama's boy and all that, but please don't defend her. Defending racism is just as bad as participating."

"I'm sorry." He said. "I don't mean to defend her. You're right. She was being racist and that's not okay."

I kept staring out of the window, chewing on my lip until I felt George's hand on my thigh. I looked at him, then at his hand as he brushed his thumb over my skin.

"What did you tell her when you pulled her aside?" I asked.

"That she needed to quit what she was doing if she wanted to stay for the rest of the wedding." He told me.

I looked at him again and placed my hand on top of his before I looked down at my stomach.

"Do you think I look fat?" I asked. "I mean, I know I'm pregnant and that there's two but do I look fat or do I look pregnant?"

"Why are you asking me that?"

I shrugged.

"I was just wondering."

"You look pregnant." He nodded and I placed a hand against my stomach. "Did my mum say something? Please tell me she didn't."

"Okay." I breathed, chuckling. "She didn't."

George glanced at me.

"What did she say?"

"She just asked me if I had gained weight when she came around the house this morning." I said. "That's why I freaked out."

George removed his hand from my thigh to run it over his face, then placed it on my thigh again.

"If she keeps treating you like that, I won't see her anymore."

"No, c'mon... George. It's your mother."

"And you're now my wife. She's not gonna put you down each time she sees you. If she won't listen, I'll have to show her in another way that I'm being serious."

"I don't think that she cares whether you're serious or not." I said. "She hates me. She always will."

"Well, she doesn't see who you are."

"No, she sees me as equal to death eaters. She sees me as someone who supports the same views as Voldemort. Guess what, Voldemort has been dead for seventeen years, I was almost thirteen and had the exact opposite views. I still do."

"I know."

"I've always wanted your mum to like me." I said. "But now I actually don't give a shit."

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