Shadow Port

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Quirk: Shadow Port

Quirk Type: Transformation

Quirk Class: Dark

Ability - The user can disappear into shadows and reappear in other dark areas. The user doesn't have to see the place they want to go, they just have to know where they want to know by memory of what they have physically seen. However the area that they are thinking of is lit up, they won't be able to teleport. The user doesn't have to reappear with their entire body at once, they can just teleport their hand to punch someone from a distance or avoid an attack that would have hit the user's head. The user can also teleport others with them as long as the user chooses and has skin contact.

Combat Range: Contact or Medium

Disadvantages: - Theycan't teleport into bright locations. 

Special Moves: Shadowlaunch- The user pulls people down into the shadows and launches them out.

Hero/Villain Names: Tag,Animate, Diverger

My Input(Not necessary): The user could learn not to only teleport to dark places they can physically see and use memory or places behind them that they had just saw. Also the user would get used to teleporting only parts of their body or teleporting an object or a person without teleporting themselves. This quirk can be OP so I think it would be funny if a cat had it and annoyed the stories protagonist. 

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