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Quirk: Sub-Zero

Quirk: Type: Mutation

Quirk: Class: Ice

Ability: The user is extremely cold. Their internal body temperatures has reached higher than -300 degrees Celsius. By just their breath, they can freeze someone and create icicles from it alone. They can cover the ground in ice or breathe out a wave of ice. They can even spit out their saliva and they will become like ice shards as it leaves their mouth. Their blood is also dangerously cold. They can instantly turn something into ice by contact alone. Not only that but their blood emits a cold gas that is also freezing.

Combat range: Close or Long

Disadvantages: : - The user isn't immune to the cold and using their breath to create more glaciers subsequently lowers the temperature of the air around them. If the temperature becomes less the 0 degrees, they risk passing out and go into a coma.

- The user has to wear tons of warm clothes and a special mask in order to not freeze people or pass out.

Special Moves: Blizzard- By blowing air through the mist emitting from the user's blood, this could be from a scratch or from the ground. When the user blows into the mist they create blue ice glaciers (strongest form of ice) and the glaciers are a lot larger and a lot more sporadic, harder to control and very dangerous.

Ice rink- The user carefully covers their mouth in a certain way and breathes towards the floor to make the ground covered in ice. This could be used to slow down opponents, have fun or used to travel faster.

My Input (Not necessary): The user would normally wear a large fur coat to help with warmth as well as a specially made mask. A press of a button can flip it up or retract it. The user would get better control of the distance they can produce their ice and the amount without risk of hurting others. They'd also have heaters in their costume to help them with staying awake longer.

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