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Quirk: Deafen

Quirk Type: Emitter

Quirk Class: Sound

Ability - The user can choose a single individual and make their ears start ringing. The ringing in the individuals ears prevents that person from hearing any other sounds that is not that ringing, essentially making them deaf. This will last for three minutes unless the user chooses another target. The user can also target an object/surface. This requires the user to touch it. But when this happens the ringing sound can be heard from 20 metres away. The people within 11 metres of the source are deaf no matter the age but can differ depending on their quirk. The user is immune to this effect and while their quirk is active at all, their hearing is increased by three times the average person.

Combat range: Long or None

Disadvantages: :- Theringing only last three minutes.

- The user can only place the ringing on someone in eyesight.

- The user can only effect one individual at a time

-If the user loses line of sight with the individual who their quirk is active on and they don't deactivate their quirk, their ears start to ring.

- The user will go deaf if they use their quirk to much. What to much is undetermined but when their quirk is not active, their regular hearing will slowly become worse.

Special Moves: Tinnitus - The user chooses a spot to place their quirk and the spots starts to ring. The user can't hear it but everyone else can. It is worse at the source, not being able to hear anything from 11 metres from it. You can still here it from 20 metres away. However if the user leaves this radius, their ears will start to ring.

Hero/Villain Names: Silence,White noise, Pitch

My Input(Not necessary): The user would learn that they could place their quirk on an object or surface and be able to use that. However that would be an accident as they can't hear it and require other people to tell them. 

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