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Quirk: Pod

Quirk Type: Transformation

Quirk Class: Plant and Body Morph

Ability - The user has plant pod skin around their fingers. The user can then pop these pods off, removing their fingers. These pods grow to the size of a head and move around on the ground. Hopping about. But when these pods latch onto someone, they suck the person into the pod. This is incredibly agonising for the person as they are sucked into the pod until they are fully trapped. The person will be free after five minutes or when the user is knocked unconscious. The user can also suck in objects that can be used to spit things out later. If the pod is broken, the user's finger will instantly regenerate.

Combat Range: Close and Medium

Disadvantage: - The user can't grab objects when using their quirk.

- Outside forces can break the pod easily - minus blunt force.

Special Moves: Seedlings - The user fires all of their pod fingers in one direction at one person. They try to connect as many as they can. This is so it prevents the enemy of attacking in any way while being absorbed by the pods. However, the pods will also overlap each other and become one big pod so the user has to wait to get their quirk back.

Hero/Villain Names: Growth, Potter, Metaphorpis 

My Input(Not Necessary): This quirk is under the same principle as meatball as the body morph of this quirk is other people. But it still is technically transformation like meatball as a small part of the body does get altered.

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