Magma Whip

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Quirk: Magma Whip

Quirk Type: Emitter

Quirk Class: Fire and Earth

Ability - The user can summon a substance very close to magma from underneath their fingertips. The magna automatically form together to form a rope like structure of the magma substance. The user can use their whip to keep enemies away or constrict them in place. The magma doesn't actually melt or burn anything but causes extreme sensation of pain like a burn if it comes into contact with someone. The whip can also drop out drops of magma around that can produce the same effect. The user can keep pouring their magma into their whip to make it larger. If the user no longer wants the whip, they drop it onto the ground and the magma becomes a liquid. It will harden until it is black before it turns into dust.

Combat Range: Medium

Disadvantage: - It takes a while to generate the magma, so if the user is made to drop their whip they'll take a while to get it back. If the user drops the whip, the structure of the magma completely falls as it becomes a goop on the ground. 

Special Moves: Inferno Dance - The user whips their two magma whips around sporadically. Bits of sludge magma fling around everywhere, covering the area but also shortening the magma whip.

Hero/Villain Names: Pele, Vulcan, Infernice

My Input(Not Necessary): Not sure with this one. Side character is the best I can see someone with this quirk having.

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