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Quirk: Twins

Quirk Type: Emitter

Quirk Class: Strength Enhancement, Spiritual and Mental

Ability - The user has a second person that acts with them. The second person can communicate with the person telepathically and vice versa. The second person has spiritual essence of them in the user which doubles their strength. However the user can also make parts of the second person move around outside of their body which the twin controls. They are visible to others. The user can only have two body parts out at once and must be in the user's view otherwise it's difficult for the twin to control them. They can also swap consciousnesses but it takes a lot of energy to do that mid battle. The twin can form their eyes and ears somewhere else to spy on others.

Combat Range: Close

Disadvantage: - If the twin has made their limbs formed outside of the user, the user loses the twins strength in their arms. 

- If the user or twin is injured, they'll both be injured if the twin's body part connects with the user again.

-If the twin is controlling their body parts, both them and the user will be drained of strength.

Special Moves: Combo- The twin forms one of their legs outside of their body in front of the user. The user uses the other leg that still has the twin in it to jump off of that leg and into the air. While the enemy is distracted with the user in the air, the twin uses their leg to kick the opponent, distracting them again. The user then kicks the user with their combined kick.

Hero/Villain Names: Phantom, Conjoined, Troublemaker

My Input(Not necessary): The user and twin often communicate each other and do get along most of the time. Except they do like different things. They are strong and good with teamwork with each other, except together, they aren't that smart.

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