Cotton Bug

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Quirk: Cotton Bug

Quirk Type: Emitter

Quirk Class: Animal/Insect

Ability - Cotton that is in contact with the user can be turned into a special moth. These moths follow orders of the user through a psychedelic link and can perform multiple actions. They can vomit some type of acid that doesn't effect human skin but can eat away metal and fabric. This can also slightly alter appearance of the user, changing their skin colour and their hair can change to the colour of the moths. The user can use these moths to blind opponents and with a lot of them, can use them to hold opponents hands or legs to make them unable to fight. These moths do die quite quickly, about ten minutes minutes but when they die they turn back into cotton, allowing the user to use them again.

Combat Range: None

Disadvantage: - The user's quirk only works on cotton.

- If the user is changing someone's appearance, if they are touched, the illusion is lost as the moths will scatter.

-Regular inspect spray or repellent does kill the moths.

Special Moves: Illusion- The user can use their moths to change the appearance of themselves or others.

Hero/Villain Names: Swarm, Buzz, Cotton Fly, Sergeant Buzz

My Input(Not necessary): The would like to stand off to the side and play support, preferring to use their moths to blind others and stop punches.

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