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Quirk: Left

Quirk Type: Emitter

Quirk Class: Gravity and Mental

Ability - The user has the ability to make things they can see turn 90 degees left in half a second. The user can do this on multiple objects at once and the small the object, the quicker the turn happens. The user can also do this on people, if someone lunged at them, they can turn them left and change their momentum in another direction. They can also choose smaller areas to shift left, like hands and head's to through off attacks. There isn't really a limit on how much the user can activate their quirk, even on one thing.

Combat Range: None and Long

Disadvantage: - The bigger and heavier the object or person, the longer it will take for the quirk to take effect. Once it does, the object or person will instantly turn left 90 degrees. 

- If the object that is trying to move is to big or heavy, the person will experience severe mental strain and potentially pass out. For example, the user has the potential for their quirk to work on a building, but if they were to try it, they'd pass out before their quirk would work.

- Only works on solids.

Special Moves: None

Hero/Villain Names: Left, Ruckus, Stort

My Input(Not Necessary): This seems like a really weak and stupid quirk at first, but the fact that the user can constantly change the direction of thrown objects and people at will makes it almost impossible for them to be touched. However electric and fire quirks would still work well, or if the user is blinded.

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