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Quirk: Werewolf

Quirk Type: Mutant

Quirk Class: Animal/Insect

Ability - The user has the attributes of a dog. They have a snout, hears, paws with sharp claws and a hairy tale. They have a keen sense of smell and hearing with sharp teeth and are a lot hairier than other people. The user can also increase these attributes, like becoming hairier, stronger, and bigger. However, they progressively more aggressive the stronger they make themselves.

Combat Range: Close

Disadvantage: - The user becomes more aggressive and loses cognitive function if they choose to make themselves stronger.

- They are affected by dog whistles.

-Hard knocks to the users head will power them down.

Special Moves: None

Hero/Villain Names: Werehound, Hellhound, Twighlight, Fluffy

My Input(Not necessary): The user would be extremely strong fast and aggressive and relies for their opponent to panic and not think logically.

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