Galvan Emission

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Quirk: Galvan Emission

Quirk Type: Emitter

Quirk Class: Electricity

Ability - The user can fire supercharged electricity. Parts of their skin feels like rubber, specifically around the mouth and the user's fingers. Their fingers have holes at the tips. The user can fire small electric shocks from their finger tips that aren't to powerful individually but putting them all on one person could kill them. The user can also fire a laser of electricity from their mouth that fires supercharged electricity that causes a small explosion after it hits it's target.

Combat Range: Long

Disadvantage: - This quirk loses stamina from the user.

- The user is damaged from heat and fire and will pass out quite quickly.

Special Moves: Ray Gun- The user fires a glavanised laser from their mouth that causes a magnet explosion after it hits. The laser does a lot of damage and will useless make the other person unconsciousness.

Hero/Villain Names: Cord, DC, Frankenstein

My Input(Not necessary): The user probably looks terrifying and has a frightening quirk to boot. They can't charge anything as their quirk would make the electrical appliance explode.

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