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Quirk: Goop

Quirk Type: Emitter

Quirk Class: Liquid and Familiar

Ability - The can produce a blue goop from their mouth. The goop does whatever the user wants them to do. The goop is 6m(Cubed). Every thirty seconds the user can regurgitate another goop from their mouths. The goops can store objects and people in them. The goop isn't hurt by physical attacks and it can also take other attacks if it doesn't alter the temperature to the goop or is destructive. Although the goops can't communicate to their user, they can have other goops see what they are seeing and, people looking at the slimes can see what the goops are being shown. The goops do expire after some time. They evaporate of some sought.

Combat Range: Long

Disadvantage: - The goops to expire after 15 minutes. That timer can be extended depending if the temperature is hotter or colder.

Special Moves: Colossal goop – The goops combine together to become one. The combined strength allows the goop to store more objects inside it. The goop becomes a lot stronger and can easily crush concrete pillars if at least four slimes have been combined. Slimes will still expire, individually, as the colossal goop will slowly shrink over time.

Hero/Villain Names: Simbion, Goop, Gooper, Ooze

My Input(Not necessary): The user has a very strong and versatile quirk. It would be the user finding out how to communicate with their goop.

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