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Quirk: Railgun

Quirk Type: Emitter

Quirk Class: Speed

Ability - The user has slight points on the end of their fingertips, if five points are touching an object, the object will be launched into the air in whatever direction the user choses. Each object is launched in the same way and will all land in the same place if the user choses the same trajectory. The user can also launch themselves if they propel themselves on something sturdy, basically the ground.

Combat Range: Long

Disadvantage: - All ten fingers must be on the object in order for the quirk to activate.

- The quirk has a sent distance that they can send an object no matter size or weight.

Special Moves: Buckshot- The user places their hands on a wall or ground and pushes it forward. Launching rubble of the wall. This can be done as an attack or escape.

Vacuum blast- If the user connects all their points together, this creates built up air pressure so when released in a certain direction it acts as an air projectile.

Hero/Villain Names: Shotput, Launch pad, Meteor

My Input(My necessary): The user would learn how to jump around with their quirk and get better at launching large objects.

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