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Quirk: Command

Quirk Type: Emitter

Quirk Class: Mental and Spiritual

Ability - The user has strong mind controlling abilities. When the user uses their quirk, their voice becomes incredibly deep and loud. The person the user had directed their quirk towards will follow the command. It must be a command otherwise the quirk will not work. The person afflicted will perform the basic command before coming back to reality. The command can not be anything complex or require high brain function (Like Shinso's quirk).

Combat Range: Medium and Long

Disadvantage: - The person needs to hear the command. If they can block the sound of the command, they become immune to the users quirk.

- The user can only give one command at a time. Including if someone else was already following their command.

Special Moves: None

Hero/Villain Names: Master, Overbear, Follow

My Input(Not Necessary): The user can activate their deep voice almost whenever they want without the effect of their quirk. 

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