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Imagine Ed being jealous and overprotective of you.

Warnings: threatening

Waiting for Ed in the front of a nice restaurant in the heart of Gotham got a surprising change of direction, when you encountered a guy from your past as he was passing by.

"Y/N?" you heard a familiar voice say and turned around to meet two bright green orbs looking at you with a surprise plastered on his face.

"Damian! Hi!" you pulled him to a quick hug. "God, it's been so long since graduation... are you still with Sabi?"

He pursed his lips together and then shook his head. "Nah, she found someone else... but I'll manage. You look great by the way." he complimented, you smiled and nodded your head as a thank you.

"Thank you, you look nice too. And... sorry to hear that Sabi and you broke up." you offered him a sad smile and silence engulfed you for a moment, before Damian let out a short laugh.

"I used to have a crush on you. Did you know that? Kevin and Tom always teased me about it." you let out a giggle and shook your head.

"Really? I had no idea!"

"Well, yeah. But now when I look at you, I remember why I had that crush." he smiled at you and your own laugh died away and was replaced by an embarrassed blush.


"She already has a boyfriend." Ed had appeared to the scene and was now shooting daggers from his eyes at Damian, who looked more embarrassed than ever.

"I-I'm so sorry, I didn't-"

Ed interrupted him, and his next words dripped with venom. "And you won't."

You brushed against Ed's arm lightly, making him look at you. "Ed, it's okay. He's a friend, we were just talking about old times and I didn't get to mention you, he couldn't have known that I already have someone special. If he would have known that, he wouldn't have tried to flirt", you glanced at Damian. "Damian is a sweet guy, I think you'd like him."

"Really?" he cocked an eyebrow and smirked. "Well, in that case, I'm offering him a meal too."

Damian shook his head. "Oh, no, you don't need-"

"No, I want to apologize for my behavior and if my dear Y/N is right, we'll make great friends. Y/N, go check our seats, we're coming right after you." Ed kissed your cheek and you nodded, going inside. Ed held his hand out with a smile to Damian. "Edward Nygma."

Damian, slowly and reluctantly - shook Ed's hand. "Damian B- aahh!" as soon as he was going to introduce himself, Ed pulled him closer to himself.

Damian's faint whimpering was silenced as Ed leaned towards his ear and growled, "Don't you dare to try and seduce Y/N. Ever. If you do, I'm going to hunt you down and end you. Got it?"

Damian nodded shakily as an answer and Ed smirked. "Good. We'll make great friends then. Now my friend, come inside so we can have dinner together."

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