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Characters: Oswald Cobblepot, Ed Nygma, Jerome Valeska, Jeremiah Valeska, Victor Zsasz, Barbara Kean

A/N: Awwwww thank youu for your compliments!! ♥ And I hope you like it!

Oswald Cobblepot

Him being a criminal includes a lot of dangers for you too - so he's protecting you with every way possible. If the situation involves other people? Oh gosh. If someone even looks at you in the wrong way or makes a mean remark about you, they're gone. And if you wanna date someone? He's going to do a background check on your date because because he's one of the leading criminals in Gotham, he has a lot of enemies. Your date could be a cop or a spy from his enemy. He's very wary of them and might threaten your date to not to hurt you.

Ed Nygma

Ed can be pretty ruthless if someone hurts you - his Riddler side thinks love is a weakness - but with you, even he makes an exception. If someone hurts you, physically or emotionally, he's got your back. If someone tried to hit you, they're dead. And if you have a date, they give them a talk basically saying that if they hurt you, they'll answer to him. If you break up with someone, don't tell it to Ed - he could take it wrong and then your ex might be in a big trouble.

Jerome Valeska

All your childhood, his protectiveness was through him taking your beatings too. If necessary, he stood before you as a shield as his mother made his nose bleed and eyes swell, mocking him for being sentimental for you because you brats deserve nothing more than bruises.

After he killed your mother and was sent to Arkham, the only thing sane within him was assuring Jim Gordon that you had nothing to do with your mother's murder (which was true). In all his insanity, he didn't want you to suffer because of him. And after he's broken out of Arkham, he's taking you under his wing again (aka taking you to live with the Maniax), making sure anything or anyone won't hurt you. With you, he's a completely different person what he would be with everyone else. Greenwood got a bullet in his head at that police station mainly because he had made a disgusting comment about you earlier. And oh, absolutely no dates. You can't argue about it with him. If you have a crush on someone, mutual or not, he's going to give them a talk to leave them terrified for their lives and sometimes even moving out from Gotham. You're the only person in the whole world he truly cares about anymore, even loves - and he won't let anything happen to you, no matter the cost.

Jeremiah Valeska

His non-gassed side protecting you is locking you into the maze with him. He's scared Jerome would find you or that you'd get hurt in Gotham for some other reason. He won't budge and if needed, Echo will guard you. He's just paranoid that you'd get hurt - and he can never forgive himself if that happened.

After he's gassed, if you're hurt by someone, he's just shooting them. And nope, no dates. He's certain that whoever asks you out, are there for him as a spy and not for you because they like you. (And let's be honest, if that person knows who you are, they're coming nowhere near you even if they're crushing on you because they're too scared of Jeremiah)

Victor Zsasz

Lets you date and stuff like that (though he monitors those situations), but if a person you care about hurts you, he's going to meet them - from where that person won't leave without at least five broken bones. Also he's protecting your identity at all costs, almost no one in town knows that you're his little sibling and those who know, fear him too much to tell anyone else. Also, he keeps an eye on your friends just in case.

Barbara Kean

If someone hurts you, they answer to Barbara, and they won't leave in one piece. She's furious if someone makes you feel bad. Also, she's keeping you in the background from her business. She didn't even tell you completely about she was doing for living, and you thought she was keeping a nightclub without anything else to it. But news caught up to her quickly and you found out. And whether you approved it or not, she's always making sure you're safe. From her enemies, spies, your exes or fake friends.

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