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Prompt: "I don't even know who you are anymore, how do you expect me to love you?" and "I was willing to stay here with you until the end, but it was you who told me to stay away."

Warnings: angst, Jeremiah being possessive

Word count: 561

Jeremiah was probably the sweetest person you ever knew, but his brother had driven him insane - but not before you had found out that Jeremiah had, in fact, been terrorizing his brother and put everything on his account, driving Jerome to insanity. You had broken up your relationship with Jeremiah on that instant, since you knew him well enough to know when he was lying.

"Y/N, please listen to me! It's not... it's not how you think!" he pleaded as you were almost finished with packing your bags. He took a hold of your arm, tried to make you believe his lies with a gentle touch.

"No, Jeremiah. You lied to me, you always told that Jerome is the crazy one but now I know it was you all along." and with that, you took your bags and walked out from his maze, never looking back.

Now he was back. He was a new version of himself - even more unrecognizable. He threatened to blow up the whole city and was mercilessly executing people - and for some reason, he had developed an obsession for Bruce Wayne. Jerome had gotten revenge on him, making him crazier than himself, throwing all his work away. Now you were looking a man who you once so dearly loved, in the eye.

And he wanted you back, saying that he'd never let you down. He had even taken his fedora off when you opened the door and he saw you staring at him, making him seem like a gentleman, more sincere. But you knew the truth, and you would never let him slither back into your life. You swallowed, looking in his green, unnaturally green eyes. You should have been scared, to call 911, run, but you didn't feel threatened at all. You sighed.

"Jeremiah, I was willing to stay here with you until the end, but it was you who told me to stay away. Maybe not with words and you didn't do it intentionally, but your actions spoke for themselves. You banished me out from your life ever since you made a boohoo-story about having a psychopath brother who has given you lifelong scars." you sighed and shook your head. "But it was you all along. It was you who enjoyed watching Jerome getting beaten by his own mother. You used your favorite son card to torment your brother, no wonder-"

"Don't glorify my brother!" he screamed suddenly, and the whole stairway echoed with it.

You sighed again, glanced at your feet and took an eye contact again as you pursed your lips together. "See?" you whispered, and Jeremiah cocked his head a bit. "This is why we can't be together anymore. I don't even know who you are anymore, how do you expect me to love you? Goodbye, Jeremiah."

You closed the door, hoping he would just go away and never come back - and he did leave, but he had decided to win you back somehow - even if it meant helping you into learning he's the best you could get. He would kill your dates, everyone who stood in the way - until no one would be willing to date you in fear of Jeremiah. And when that would happen, you'd run into his arms, crying how stupid you were rejecting him.

And that would happen eventually, Jeremiah would make sure of it.

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