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Prompts: A14. "Wow, a great idea, but I'd rather die." and A28. "Is this Heaven?" "More like Hell."

Warnings: mentions of violence

Word count: 230

Jerome's eyes lit up as he saw the scene of screaming people forced to be in terrible carnival rides without stopping. "Is this Heaven?"

"More like Hell." you sighed.

He scoffed. "Oh c'mon Y/N, you know how much I like this. This brings me memories."

Your mind brushed past your memories of the circus, some faces from the past, flashing lights at the tent and a few carnival rides in some cities, people screaming and laughing with joy. Lila beating Jerome, you trying to stop her.

"It brings me memories too, but I'd rather not remember them." you swallowed.

Jerome pouted, but then his eyes stopped by the pendulum ride which went around. "Hey, I know what would cheer ya up!"

You followed his gaze and let out a half-amused puff. "Wow, a great idea, but I'd rather die."

"Don't be so boring, it will be fun! You'll be in a good mood once we'll start things with Brucie boy." Jerome told you as he dragged you towards the pendulum, and you looked at it swinging back and forth with terror in your eyes. And it didn't take long before you were strapped into the seat and Jerome gave you a big smooch on your forehead.

"Jerome-" But before you could continue, the ride started swinging and soon you were 100 feet off the ground, almost upside down. "Jerome!"

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