[Oswald Cobblepot Imagine]

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Imagine Oswald hearing you yell at the kids in your class to get them pay attention, even though you have never raised your voice at home.

Oswald had always loved your calmness in everything. Even if you fought, you had never raised your voice to him - and when he was frustrated, your voice calmed him down.

Oswald wasn't a fan of kids, but he had grown to like kids a bit more after seeing how the kids in the kindergarten you worked in loved you. Every day, Oswald would come to get you and sometimes, he made some surprise visits.

One day, Oswald saw the kids just like he didn't like them - loud and running around, and you just tried to calm them down there - but it didn't seem to work. So when you finally yelled at the kids to get their attention, Oswald was taken aback. Honestly, he didn't even know if you knew how to yell. The kids immediately stopped being a bunch of monkeys, and all their eyes turned on you.

"I know you want to go out to play, but we're just going to do some tasks before that, alright?" your voice had softened down again and some of the kids shifted in their seats impatiently. But soon the class echoed, "yes Ms. L/N, we're sorry Ms. L/N."

But then one of the kids saw Oswald standing in the doorway, and yelled, "Mr. Cobblepot! Hello!" And the whole class repeated that in unison, which caused you to turn around.

"Hey, I didn't know you're coming to visit", you muttered, knowing Oswald had heard you yelling at the kids. It made you a bit embarrassed, in fact, because you knew Oswald had never heard you yell. But you also knew Oswald would understand.

"I didn't even know if you knew how to yell", he let out a faint laugh, "but now I know you can do that too."

"Yeah, kids won't hear my voice sometimes if I don't yell. But I of course won't yell if I don't have to." you let a faint smile to creep up to your face.

Oswald just smiled at you, and then turned his attention to your class. "Hello, kids! I brought you something, I heard from Y/N that you like fingerpaints so... I happen to know someone who does the best fingerpaints in Gotham. Who wants to try?"

And when Oswald saw the kids with sparkling eyes and wide smiles, it was like he had always liked the kids. Some features in kids just had managed to melt Oswald's heart.

And if they made you happy, they made him happy too.

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