Everything She Needs [Oswald Cobblepot]

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Request: Hiya! Can I please request an imagine where Oswald Cobblepot falls in love with a nerdy, sweet, innocent, short (I'm 4ft 10 1/2in btw LOL) Kindergarten teacher (I'm also a kindergarten teacher😂) that happens to be Jim's little sister + Oswald smirking (and blushing) when she tells her brother that she's in love with Oswald and won't leave him just because Jim doesn't approve + Oswald being soft for the reader.💜@kpopgirlbtssvt (It won't tag you :c)

Fandom: Gotham, Oswald Cobblepot x fem!reader

A/N: Fyi, I love kids. + This is placed in season 2.

Warnings: None

Word count: 832

Kids around you listened closely as you were finishing one of the many stories you had told them.

"But when the prince came to the castle, he found out that the princess had run away with the farmer, the man she truly loved. He was furious and swore he would kill the farmer, but the fairy who was looking over the castle, made the prince to lose his position as a royal. All of the Kingdom forgot he existed. The prince had to start from the bottom and eventually, he learned to appreciate the poor ones and as he was older and gained his royalty again, he helped the poor. And he was known as "Alexander The Generous"." you ended the story and put the storybook to the side. "What do you think the lesson of the story was?"

"That you can't be mean to people who aren't rich!" squeaked Henry from the back row.

"And that you should always treat everyone as equals." Elena added.

"And that you will suffer yourself if you're mean to people all the time." Andy said as he squeezed his stuffed toy frog against his chest.

"Very good, you're right!" you clapped your hands a few times in admiration. These kids were so smart already.

"Ms. L/N, are you coming to work tomorrow?" Hannah asked and looked at you with pleading eyes.

"I'm sorry Hannah, I'd love to, but I have two free days before next weekend and I can't come to work even if I wanted to. I've been here more than my work list orders me to and Mrs. Fisher says I can't overwork myself." You looked at the girl apologetically and she lowered her head in disappointment.

"What's overworking?" Ben asked and tilted his head.

"It's when you do something for very long and very hard. If you overwork too long, you may become very tired and grumpy. And I don't want to be grumpy to you." you smiled warmly and the kids stared you back.

"Well, off you go, it's time for you to go play outside with Ms. Stanton." you half-whispered to them and then watched them leave the room.

"Y/N, Mr. Cobblepot came to take you home." your workmate Katie said and you nodded to her.

"Thanks, Katie."

"How was your work day?" Oswald asked as you stepped into his limousine.

"It was great, I love those kids. It's a shame they grow up so fast, soon someone goes past me." you giggled. "And for a mental growth example: one of them barely talked and had no friends when he came to us, but now it's been a year and he's friends with everyone and he never shuts up." You gave a little laugh and Oswald smiled at you, as he waved to the driver as a sign he can start driving you home.

"Well, what about you? How was your work day?" you asked Oswald and he sighed.

"I found out who's the snitch. I'm disappointed with her, she was a good singer. I was a fool to believe her."

"Oh, it was Mila? But you said-"

"She had tampered with the evidence, to make it look like Rose had done it." Oswald explained, shrugged and turned his blue eyes to you, smiling a bit. "But there's nothing I can do about it. She has been taken care of and now I don't have a snitch in my club anymore."

"That's good." you murmured and took Oswald's hand in your own.

"Y/N, you can't continue dating him. He's one of the most dangerous criminals in Gotham, he has a lot of enemies, and by dating you he's setting you in danger as well-" your brother Jim had been waiting for you at the front of your house and you sighed.

"We have talked about this, Jim. I'm not leaving Oswald just because you don't approve our dating. That's it." You glared at your brother as you were picking the laundry from the dryer to the basket. You knew your brother meant well, but he should have known by now it's your life and your own decisions.

Oswald listened by the door without your knowledge. He understood why Jim was so worried and disapproving, but he agreed that you should make your own decisions.

"Jim, I love Oswald. I wouldn't let him go even if you forced him to move to Japan. I would follow him there." Then you raised your hand for a sign that you wouldn't listen to any more lecturing. Jim sighed and turned away from the laundry room. He almost collided with Oswald, who smirked at him with a red face.

"Make sure to take care of her. If a single hair is harmed on her because of you, I'll come for you." Jim growled and Oswald nodded still smirking. He placed his walking stick in front of himself and turned his face to be serious.

"I'll make sure she gets everything she needs."

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