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- When Ed saw you walking into the room for the first time, he was stunned. You were beautiful and stood there handing him some documents with an adorable smile - and Ed froze.

- He just stood there, staring at you with bewilderment.

- He was considered a freak in the station by some employees - an odd person with no value - and there you were standing and smiling at him gently, actually talking to him.

- And even though Ed just stood there stunned, you still continued to smile.

- And that was the beginning of your friendship - or Ed's crush.

- He loved how your eyes sparkled with enthusiasm when you talked about something you liked.

- You were shorter than most of the people he had encountered - yet you were full of life and joy, and that was what got Ed crushing on you even harder.

- And unbeknownst to him, you had been crushing on him for weeks before you gathered your confidence to go talk to him.

- Eventually, your feelings came out after you defended Ed from his bullies.

- Ed kissed you after you shooed the bullies away. It was completely unplanned and it was about him smashing his lips on yours.

- After he pulled away, you just stared at him with wide eyes and slowly lifting your hand to touch your lips.

- "Wha- Why... why did you do that?"

- He got flustered and tried to leave, thinking he had spooked you.

- "I... I'm sorry, I didn't think straight, I'm... I'm sorry."

- "No, I'm not mad, I... I liked it."

- Ed's eyes widened and his mouth opened, as his mind - brilliant as it was, it wasn't as brilliant on emotional side - tried to decipher your words. Were you joking? Or were you actually serious? But eventually, he realized you were serious.

- Naturally after that, it became clear to both of you that you had feelings for each other.

- You didn't start to date right away, because it had come as a surprise that you both had feelings for each other you both wanted to see how the situation would develop.

- But as it developed in a good way (+ all the officers at the stations were loud on saying that you should date already because all that staring and flirting from your side starts to get unnerving), you started dating.

- Kisses on top of your head. He loves giving them. He's tall and you're so short compared to him, so prepare yourself on surprise kisses.

- Lifting you to the air when he was really happy about something.

- Not much PDA, but he's very affectionate when you're at home or if you're having a bad day, he might show some PDA at the station to make you feel better.

- He's shy, and you're a bit bolder - and he's making riddles for you all the time.

- And he makes you happier than you had never been before.

- So dating him was the best thing that ever happened to you while working in the precinct. And it made him a lot happier too, because he wasn't an outcast anymore.

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