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Characters: Oswald Cobblepot, Edward Nygma, Jerome Valeska, Jeremiah Valeska, Victor Zsasz and Barbara Kean

Oswald Cobblepot

- Protects you from seeing anything violent he does. He doesn't tell you about anything he does and actually keeps his criminal business out from your knowledge for a long time - but you find about it when it's on the news. After being scared of the reveal at first, you realized you love him too much to leave him even if he's being much more violent than you'd imagine when you aren't alone with him.

Ed Nygma

- Same as Oswald, protects you. He wants to keep you safe and he's afraid for you as the Riddler begins to threaten your life, saying Ed's weak for loving you and you'd be easy to be killed off because you wouldn't expect it. But Ed argues with his darker self long enough that you won't be messing with his plans and the Riddler finally promises to leave you alone.

Jerome Valeska

- He wouldn't understand it at all. He would try to drive you crazy like him - but he's failing every time. He would try to irritate you and provoke you to slap him or get something violent out, it's one of his fave things to do. And if you absolutely needed to, you'd shove people etc, but with Jerome you knew he wanted it out from you and wouldn't hurt you if you didn't play his game so you just ignored him trying and instead planted a kiss to his cheek, which got him to sigh and fall onto the couch to cuddle with you with a snort.

"Well doll... I like cuddles too so I'll book some time to irritate you more later. How about seven-fifteen?"

You sigh and roll your eyes. "Fine, if you think you'll really get something out of me."

Jeremiah Valeska

- Before the gas, he relates to you. After all, he wants to be everything his brother isn't - and being as non-violent as possible was one of the traits he had.

After the gas, he's very violent - though not in the same way as Jerome was (who could stab people just for a good laugh), so he won't make you slap anyone or anything like that. He doesn't care if you have a violent nature or not - as long as your non-violent nature won't mess with his plans, he's all good with it.

Victor Zsasz

- As long as you accept him being an assassin, he's all good with it. It was hard for you to accept it at first, but hey, it's Gotham - and if you fall in love with a criminal, what can you do about it if you aren't willing to accept them as they come. You either leave them because of who they are or take them as they are. Victor's guns terrified you at first and him coming home with a bloody jacket was disturbing, but you learned not to look at him when he came home. You tended his own wounds if he let you though.

Barbara Kean

- She's always keeping herself clean if she has to kill someone, so you don't have to see your fabulous girl all bloody or anything. Sometimes you might see video footage of her killing someone on the news, but if it disturbed you, you just had to learn to switch the channel or mute the TV if Barbara was mentioned there. She insists teaching you some self-defense though - in a tough place, you might have to kick an attacker and possible murderer. Because again, it's Gotham. And though you don't like violence, you - very hesitantly - agree. And it was a good thing Barbara insisted it, because the self-defense skills came out being handy when someone tried to rob you a few months later.

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