979 22 0

Word count: 223

Prompt: "What can I do... they just love Mr. Bunny."

"Awww, he's so cute! What's his name?" a dirty looking woman gushed as your pet rabbit sniffed her hand eagerly.

"His name is Mr. Bunny, but I call him B for short. Mr. Valeska bought it for me." you smiled and another woman came over.

"Mr. Valeska is always so generous." she sighed and scratched the rabbit behind his ears which made B lean into her touch - always so hungry for affection and attention.

"Okay, back to work, chop chop!" Jeremiah's voice boomed through the room and the small crowd around B quickly scattered. Jeremiah observed his workers for a bit before he made his way over to you and he glanced at B. "I trust B is well?"

"Yes, Jeremiah. He's more than well, all the scratches he's gotten are heaven for him." you bit your lip. "I'm so grateful you brought him to me, you're truly the man who should be in charge of Gotham."

Jeremiah sighed dramatically as he looked down at the rabbit before raising his gaze back to you and he slowly grazed your cheek with feather-light touch. "Y/N, you're my favorite follower, but don't distract my workers with with your rabbit."

You snickered as you scratched B's cheek while looking at Jeremiah with a wide smile. "What can I do... they just love Mr. Bunny."

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