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Warnings: angsty

Word count: 435

Prompt: "It just feels like I can never let go... even if I try."

It had been a year since Bruce left. And Selina still thought of him every day.

He had just took off - left Selina with nothing more than a short note. She loved him. Your best friend had finally found some happiness in her life - and yet another person had abandoned her.

Ever since then, whenever Selina saw something reminding him of Bruce, she went to spend some time alone. But this time you wanted to talk to her - every time she encountered a memory with Bruce, she would get sadder, and you were fearing for her to break. She was once a witty, sarcastic young girl and now... she was pretty broken. Damn Bruce.

And as you entered the rooftop, you heard her sniffling as she sat at the edge of the roof, her legs crossed underneath her and her shoulders shook slightly. Of course, the sight made you incredibly worried and you rushed to her.

"Are you crying?" you asked, surprising Selina as she flinched and immediately pulled her sleeves down to her palms to hide the evidence.

"No..." she croaked and shook her head as she tried to wipe her eyes and you crouched down beside her.

"Hey, talk to me."

It was silent for a while, before Selina sighed, finally giving in as she knew you wouldn't leave her like that.

"I've tried to forget him, you know. Let go of all the memories with him. But the harder I try the worse it gets. It just feels like I can never let go... even if I try." Selina muttered as she wiped her nose. You sat beside her, hanging your feet loosely over the roof edge and laid your hand on top of hers.

"Everything happened so fast." you nodded at Selina. "Maybe Bruce was just messed up with his feelings and he felt like he needs to take some time off?"

"It's been a year, Y/N. And I have heard nothing about him since I saw his plane flying away. Even Alfred doesn't tell me anything. How much longer am I supposed to wait? I thought he cared about me." Selina shook her head and looked away from you as she gripped the edge, her knuckles turning white for a few seconds.

"I'm sure he cared about you, I'm sure he still thinks about you."

Selina scoffed. "How would you know that?"

"The love in his eyes whenever he looked at you... it told me everything I need to know." you smiled comfortingly at Selina and gripped her hand tighter. "He'll come back to you one day. Trust me."

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