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Prompt: "It's none of your business." "It's my business if you cry because of me."

Warnings: angst

Word count: 524

You remembered Jonathan from your childhood, always playing tag with him and having fun. You had your first crush on him too, a little bit of dreaming about life in a big house, like children do.

But when his mother passed away, his father became obsessed with making himself and Jonathan fearless, and you didn't see him anymore.

Now it had been 11 years since you last saw him, and he had changed. He wasn't known as Jonathan Crane anymore - he was the Scarecrow. You were angry, not at him, but at his father and yourself. You should have known how to protect him - you had been beating yourself over it since you found out he was admitted to Arkham because of his father. Your brains tried to tell you that it isn't your fault, that you couldn't protect him, but your heart argued back that you should have seen it coming, that his father would eventually harm Jonathan for life.

And getting to know he's The Scarecrow now, the new supervillain who people were fearing without even personally seeing him broke your heart. He was nothing like the boy you used to play with, who you had a crush on as a kid - hell, even you were a bit scared of him.

And yet there he was now, standing by your house like nothing had ever happened. He didn't have his costume on, he wasn't there to gas you. You held your tears back the moment you laid your eyes on him - momentarily you just wanted to throw yourself in his arms, but you held that back, reminding yourself he had done horrible things since you last met.

"What are you doing here, Jonathan?" you asked, struggling to keep your voice from breaking.

"I heard you're still living here." he told you and cocked his head as he saw your hands tremble. "Are you scared of me?"

You snorted. "Why do you think so? You have only helped to kill dozens of people and the whole city is afraid of you and your little gang!"

He was taken aback as you started to shout at him, but approached you anyway. "Y/N, I just want to know-"

"It's none of your business. We aren't friends anymore." you seethed as tears began to fall and Jonathan sighed.

"It's my business if you cry because of me."

Silence ensued, and for a moment you wanted to ask him to come inside, to try to understand why he has done such terrible things. Maybe you could try to pull him away from the world he had sank in?

But even if you wanted to do that, you were scared. You were scared of him. Scared that he'd break your heart all over again, or that he would have a weakness others would use against him. So you took in a deep breath, before you swallowed and turned your gaze to your feet.

"Get away from me." your voice broke again as tears fell on your porch and you turned away, forcing yourself to go inside, to leave Jonathan to the front yard. "Don't ever come back."

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