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Jerome Valeska

He's thrilled to see if you've inherited the crazy features running in the Valeska family. If you have, then great, you're going to be his right hand now in Maniax and he just goes around telling everyone that you're his little sibling and how proud he is of you because you know exactly how to handle a gun or he likes how your eyes glimmer when you kill someone.

But if you don't have craziness in you, he's committed to drawing it out from you - he's going to follow you like a shark would follow its prey. He doesn't agree to accept it that you're his little sibling and you'd just want to be ordinary. If you wanna get rid of him, move out from Gotham, or preferably, move to the other side of the globe. That's your best bet to get rid of him, otherwise he doesn't let you go, he's too obsessed to turn you crazy like him - and if you don't run, you'll eventually turn crazy because of Jerome with one way or the other.

Jeremiah Valeska

If he finds it out before the gas, he doesn't want to meet you. He isn't sure if you're sent by Jerome or if you really are his little sister who just wants to meet him. If you're really curious, you might try to go to Jeremiah's maze to find him, but he's too paranoid to meet you in person and you can't find him. He doesn't want to take any risks of you being an impostor sent by Jerome in hopes to lure him out of his maze - but if you somehow manage to prove to him that you haven't even met Jerome and that you genuinely just want to meet your brother, he might even talk to you by his radio. Meeting him face to face is a long process but if you're up to it, you'll earn his trust eventually.

If he finds it out after the gas, he might even pay you a visit - he wants to see what kind of a person you are. If you're like him, then great, he's willing to take you to work with him. If you're ordinary, he might be a bit disappointed because you don't see how the world truly works. He won't turn you crazy like Jerome would, but if you want to keep in touch with him, he ensures you accept him being on the other side of the law and you won't turn him in. Either way, your relationship won't be like big brother protects his little sibling-type or anything warm and fuzzy, because he just met you and haven't grown to care for you, at least not right away. But if he grows to care about you, he's going to look most of the non-pleasant things caused by you through his fingers - he doesn't want to punish someone who's his own flesh and blood and who hadn't angered him like Jerome had.

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