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You had been following Jim for days - knowing something was up. Jim had been going through dark alleys during his working time without any note about any case in his files, and after a while, you had seen him shaking hands with Oswald Cobblepot.

James Gordon, the only police in that goddamn precinct who seemed sensible and not corrupted - worked with a vicious criminal like the Penguin? That couldn't be true. But then again, why it couldn't? He could just be skillful with lying, pretending to be a good cop among bad cops. You needed to know what was up, so you followed him. You had to be careful not to be seen, so you stood by the wall, disappearing to the shadows. You felt like being in undercover for a cop, but no one in the precinct wouldn't even care if you told them that Jim was probably working with the Penguin. Maybe helping him with getting away with some crime because they are secretly friends, maybe the Penguin has bribed him, or threatened him to help him - whatever the reason was, you had to find out about it.

And as you were following Jim to the dark alley once again, you noticed he had disappeared already, so you quickened your pace, fearing you had lost his track. But when a figure came from your side and pushed you against the wall, you knew it had been a trap. You swallowed, seeing Jim sighing as he recognized you and let go of you.

"Detective L/N. What are you doing? Why are you following me?" he questioned and your gaze averted from his face to the street, making sure no one is listening.

You leaned towards him and spoke with a hushed tone. "I should ask the same about you. What on earth are you doing? Why you and the Penguin have been hanging out together? Don't tell me he has bribed-"

"No. I'm not under his command. I... I need information about someone, and Oswald thinks I'm his friend and helps me because I once made a favor for him... I'm playing along because it makes this all easier." he glanced at the street himself, as you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. "Y/N, this is a harsh city and sometimes active criminals are your only helping hand with investigating. You'll learn it soon enough."

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