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(The reader is a female in these)


- You had always had a warm relationship with your godson, as you were doing all kinds of things together ever since you got to be his godmother as a teenager.

- Meeting Jerome at the circus and you immediately fell on the charming and shy boy who feared his abusive mother.

- But after getting to know Jerome better, you realized he wasn't shy and timid like he pretended to be - he was quite loud and bold if he wanted.

- After his mother was found being murdered, you immediately knew it had been Jerome. He tried to hide it from everyone, you included, even though he knew that you knew.

- You were kinda disappointed in him - but you still loved him so you didn't leave him even after he confessed.

- Being overjoyed after he breaks out from Arkham.

- Naturally Bruce had a hard time accepting that you were dating Jerome even when he turned crazy.

- So you keep Jerome out from all the discussion between you two the best you can.

- When Jerome dies the first time, you almost go mad because you want to revenge but at the same time, you didn't want to leave Bruce alone - you and Alfred were all he got left from his original family.

- But when Jerome is resurrected, your sanity returns and relief kicks in.

- Being furious at Jerome when he develops an obsession towards Bruce and wants to kill him.

- "C'mon doll, let's have a bit fun, just this one time?"

- "I'm willing to accept everything else with you but if you're hurting my godson, I'm taking you down myself."

- Bruce being glad he hasn't lost you completely to Jerome.

- But even when he's taken away, you find the urge to run after him and beat the guards of Arkham to the state of unconsciousness because Jerome was taken away from you again - but this time he wasn't going to die, and that kept you sitting with Bruce.

- And of course being with Jerome right after he breaks out again - much to Bruce's dismay.

- And it seems that nothing Jerome does didn't put out your love for him - and Bruce was fearing how it would end.

- But as Jerome says, fearing the future is boring and it's much more fun to live on the moment.

- And that thought had adapted for you too.

- After Jerome dies for the second and final time, you sink to the level of insanity for once and for good - you can't live normally in a world without him so you carry on with his legacy.

- That's a tough thing for Bruce to swallow. And he swears he would fight for you and your sanity, until the very end if necessary.

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