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Prompt: "I don't want to lose you too." and "You said you'd support me with this, but here we are."

Warnings: angst

Word count: 385

Ever since childhood, you had to put up with Jeremiah and Jerome always fighting. You loved them both, Jeremiah was terrorizing Jerome until he moved away - and your mother blamed Jerome for that. You tried to intervene, took some of his beatings for him, but damage had been done. Jerome had already gone insane - and Jeremiah had redeemed himself, becoming a valued member of the Wayne Enterprise.

But after Jerome had died, he had made one final attempt to make Gotham burn. He gassed Jeremiah, and he was unrecognizable from the man you had learned to know before that. He manipulated his followers to do anything for him, burned some alive and made the rest work without proper rest or nutrition and he was obsessed with Bruce Wayne. You had to make it stop. So you asked him to talk with you in private.

"Jeremiah, I don't want to lose you too. Please, just... stop this. Let's move away from Gotham, let's start a new life together. Just you and me. This isn't you." you whispered and he spun around, rolling his eyes.

"Oh, Y/N. You said you'd support me with this, but here we are. I should have seen this coming. You're too soft to be involved in a mighty project like this." he waved his hand as he made his way to the door, but stopped as he felt a smack against his neck, and as he turned around, he was met with you staring at him with sudden fury in your eyes, which had been building up for all these months.

"I agreed to help you with getting used to your life outside that damn bunker maze, I never agreed in helping you conquering Gotham and enslaving people!" your voice became louder with every word until you were screaming them on his face. You took a few, deep breaths as Jeremiah raised his eyebrows, his expression barely unchanging otherwise. "What happened to you? You were the kindest man I knew. What happened to my brother?"

"People change." he stated bluntly and took in a dramatic sigh. "You'd better get used to that."

And with that he made his leave, and you were left to stand in his office, staring after him, holding your tears back - Jeremiah was gone, most likely forever.

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