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Prompt: "You're being shy with me, aren't you..." "No I'm not!" "Yes you are!"

Word count: 339

You knew something was going on with Bruce and Selina, and as Bruce was your little brother, it was only the duty of a protective older sibling to tease him about it.

So when you saw Bruce kiss Selina on the cheek as a goodbye when they had walked together to the manor, you smiled at the sight.

Bruce walked to the living room and flinched a bit as he saw you sitting on the couch. "Y/N! Don't give me scares like that."

You shrugged. "I saw you and that girl again. You seem to be close."

Bruce swallowed visibly and suddenly he became flustered. "O-oh. Well, me and Selina... well, she just wanted to walk me home."

A smirk appeared on your lips. "You're being shy with me, aren't you..."

"No I'm not!" he exclaimed a bit too quickly.

"Yes you are! Bruce, I know when you're lying. I've known you for my whole life, remember?"

Bruce swallowed and let out a huff. "Alright, I like her."

You smiled gently. "Does she make you happy?"

"Yeah... I mean, she's not the best company and I'm not sure if mom and dad would have approved but I just feel like... she doesn't treat me differently just because I'm a rich kid. She looks at me, my personality."

You stood up from the couch, took a few steps towards your brother and laid your hand on his shoulder. "I'm sure mom and dad would have approved. They would support you, you've grown up and know how to make your own decisions."

Bruce stared at you for a moment, squinted a bit and then returned your smile. "Thank you, Y/N. For always being there for me."

And then he took off, probably going to his room. You looked after him for a bit. Your little brother was indeed growing up.

Selina might not be the best girlfriend to Bruce, having been involved in crime and all, but as long as she made Bruce happy, you were happy too.

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