Riddles and Secrets [Edward Nygma]

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Request: Could you do one where I work for the GCPD (a cop) and the riddler kidnaps me to get Jim's attention but realises that he actully really likes me cause I'm really good at his riddles and his jokes and he doesnt want to give back over to Jim when he comes and tries his best to get Jim to leave without taking me back but it doesnt work so he gives me a note to meet him somewhere that night 

Fandom: Gotham, Edward Nygma x reader

Warnings: a hint that Ed has killed people (you don't say!)

A/N: I really like how this turned out!!!

Word count: 1,264


Plop. Plop. Plop. Plop.

The rainwater slowly dripped on the floor behind you, when you finally woke up from your slumber. You immediately groaned when you lifted your head - it felt like it had just been banged on the wall. The room you were in was pitch black, and you were grateful for it in some way. Your head wouldn't be able to take light right now.

You knew you would have to get out of there, but your tied hands were in a painful position - and you realized you wouldn't be able to get off the chair without help. At least if you didn't want to dislocate your arms.

Suddenly, you heard clapping from the dark, and a light went on - but just in one spot. The Riddler stood there, smiling widely while looking at you.

"My, Y/N, don't you look good. Of course, when we see your situation." Ed quietly said and you sighed.

"Hi, Ed. Back in the game, I see."

Ed laughed. "But of course! I always enjoy when people sweat when they try to solve the brilliant riddles of mine."

You shook your head and snorted. You knew that Ed just wanted to get Jim's attention - you were under his command as a rookie, after all. But there was something Ed didn't know about you - and that was the reason why he picked the wrong person to kidnap, if he wanted to confuse you with his signature act.

So, you lifted your head up and looked at Ed straight in his eyes. "Well, what are you waiting for? Shoot me with your best."

Ed let out a short laugh. "The best? Well, you asked for it..." he squinted his eyes at you, clearly thinking about a hard riddle for you to solve. Then he snapped his fingers, and turned his back on you.

"I fly, yet I have no wings. I cry, yet I have no eyes. Darkness follows me; lower light I never see." he began, and turned to face you again, outstretching his arms to his sides. "What am I?"

You raised your eyebrows and huffed. "Really? That's the best you got?"

Ed just kept smiling while keeping his arms outstretched and probably thought you were trying to get him to give you another riddle which hopefully would be more easy to solve. So he waited for your wrong answer or you stating that you give up. But that wasn't your intention.

"A cloud. The answer is a cloud." you muttered and rolled your eyes.

Ed, visibly frustrated, scoffed and glared at you. "I was going easy on you first. Don't get too comfortable, I'm going to put some hard riddles for you to solve."

"I truly hope they will be good. Otherwise, I've died from being bored at the time Jim comes here."

"A bookkeeper. But don't worry that was a better one than the first ones, you're getting better at this", you laughed and just as you thought to see a tiny hint of a smile on Ed's face, Jim's voice filled the room.

"I know Y/N is in there, Ed!" he yelled to the megaphone. "Release her now!"

The smile you thought to see on Ed's face, had faded away and he shot a mean glare at the door. And when he realized he couldn't get you smuggled away without Jim noticing, he decided to try to get Jim to leave with... other ways. So he pulled his gun from his pocket and released you from your chair. Then, he proceeded to drag you to the door. And as he opened the door, he pressed a gun on your temple.

"Coming alone was a mistake, Jim!" he laughed and you saw Jim standing there with a megaphone and a gun was drawn to point at Ed. He was right - Jim always had an image that he works best when he's alone. But you also knew that Ed would be unpredictable under pressure so maybe it was just that Jim wanted to maximize your chances of surviving.

"We both know you aren't going to kill Y/N!" Jim yelled and Ed laughed.

"And why is that? Because I liked them back at the precinct? I liked Kristen Kringle too and look where she is now... oops." you felt Ed shrugging while he was laughing and you saw Jim clenching his teeth.

Nobody spoke for a moment, and every second Ed not shooting you made it more clear to all of you that he wasn't going to do it. And Ed knew that too. And just before he pushed you away from his grasp, he shoved a crumpled piece of paper to your hand. You heard Ed running away, and Jim's footsteps approaching you.

"Did he do anything to you?" was the first thing Jim asked. You shook your head, grasping the piece of paper in your hand and made sure that Jim didn't see it. You didn't want him to see whatever Ed had wanted to say to you. For some reason, Ed had managed to intrigue you in a way you couldn't explain - and you actually would have wanted to stay with him a bit longer. To understand, to talk, to have fun with riddles.

"I'm taking you to the hospital to be checked anyway", Jim mumbled as he had quickly examined you with his eyes. You had no visible wounds and you didn't seem dizzy or weird. In fact, you were quite sane and even not shocked, in fact - and that was actually the reason Jim wanted you to be checked. If Ed had succeeded in brainwashing you, he would lose a good future cop for Gotham.

When you finally got to the back of Jim's car and took your way to the hospital, you carefully and silently straightened the piece of paper.

"What always murmurs but never talks, always runs but never walks, has a bed but never sleeps, has a mouth but never speaks. Meet me there tomorrow evening."

"River", you whispered to yourself and glanced at Jim. He wouldn't be happy if he knew that you were probably going to see the Riddler - but he wouldn't have to know. You took in a deep breath.

On what were you going to get yourself into?

Ed had retreated to his hiding place after fleeing the scene, and his two personalities had fought with each other ever since he had left the crumpled piece of paper on your hand. He knew Jim would get you, and that's why he had written that note when he started to like how smart you were - just in case Jim wouldn't listen.

"You know they're dangerous for us." The Riddler scowled at Ed from the other side of the room. "You know you can't be with them."

"Y/N is different. I know they are." Ed mumbled and The Riddler's laugh rang in his ears.

"Different? Different how?" The Riddler spat, and he took a few steps towards Ed, until Ed felt his other personality breathe in his ear. "Love is a weakness. Kill Y/N, and we can thrive. Or, you could leave them alone and be a coward, a nobody. The one you always were before meeting me."

The Riddler's figure looked distorted, as Ed looked up to him. He clenched his jaw, as he spoke. "Love isn't always the weakness." he growled. "We can thrive even with it - and I'm going to prove it to you."

Ed blinked, and The Riddler was gone.

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