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Prompt: G6. Holding each other for comfort

Warnings: Angsty-ish at the beginning, mentions of death and violence

Word count: 270

You had always known that dating Ed Nygma, also known as The Riddler was risky. You knew Ed's enemies could use you to get to him, but you never would have guessed that someone else than you or him could suffer from your relationship.

They had killed one of your best friends, their whole family. Slaughtered them, not letting anyone escape. Not even children, or their pets. All so they could get to you. Make you weak, so it would affect Ed too. Maybe they were hoping you'd jump straight into revenge, which would kill you. His enemies knew that your death would crush Ed.

"What's the matter, Y/N?" he asked, furrowing his eyebrows as he saw you sitting on your bed with red and swollen eyes. When you didn't answer, he made his way closer to you. "Hey?"

"They're dead." you whispered, just staring at the wall, not even crying anymore. "They're all dead."

Ed wasn't one to know how to comfort, but on that moment it came automatically - he took you into his arms. He didn't know who had died and how they had died, but the tone of your voice told him everything he needed to know.

You didn't hug him back, you were too dazed out to do that. But Ed just held you tighter, tight enough for you to know he's there, and he'd always be there. He wouldn't leave you. He was building a wall to protect you, and his Riddler side was already scheming for a revenge. No one messes with his partner, and it was time to remind people of it.

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