Everything She Needs [2]

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Request: Hiya!! Can I please request a part two to "Everything She Needs"? Maybe where Oswald proposes and they get married, and she moves into Oswald's mansion, and her older brother Jim and also Harvey find out + Jim's and Harvey's reaction to their marriage and living together + Oswald being the sweetheart-gentleman that he is! + Hugs, kisses, and cuddles, super fluffy! ♥♥ @kpopgirlbtssvt

Fandom: Gotham, Oswald Cobblepot x fem!short!reader

Warnings: I don't really like writing continuation parts so... it's short to prevent quality lack. Also, swearing.

A/N: I altered your request just a little bit because I felt like it works better this way, hope you don't mind! So they're not married but they're getting married + they're already living together :) And Harvey and Jim react to them being engaged, I tried to begin from the point where Oswald proposes but I realized upon starting that it would be way too long or then there would be like 3 timeskips and that's too much imo.

+ I don't like writing continuation parts that much so I couldn't risk that I'm getting too bored on writing this, which would result in a rapid quality loss.

And because of the reasons said above, this is my last continuation part to any of my oneshots. I might sometime make a series (which is planned to be a series from the very start) but the oneshots which have been meant to be one-parted, will stay one-parted. They work better like that.

Word count: 513


"You're going to do what?! You - you can't marry that!" Harvey exclaimed as his eyes jumped between you and Oswald and the whole department was quiet for a moment to see what was going on. Oswald sighed, leaning on his folded umbrella.

"Oh, Harvey. I'm always flattered by your choice of words."

"Shut up!"

"Please just stop, both of you..." you groaned and looked at your brother, who had turned his back on you, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Jim? Say something."

"You know what I think about this. When the press finds out, your face is on all newspapers and mine too, it's going to be a scandal... in other words, everyone will know who you are - Oswald's enemies included. In the worst case, they'll kidnap you, torture you and then they're going use you as a weapon to threaten your future husband - and they'll most likely kill you after that", his voice wavered as he mumbled that, but he still was not looking at you. You put your hand on his shoulder.

"Jim, I'm a big girl now - well, not physically but you know what I mean. I can take care of myself. I already live with him, so I know what it's like." Jim's mouth opened to argue with you but you interrupted him by raising your hand and looking at your big brother, begging for his acceptance with your eyes. "Jim, I love him, and he loves me. He's going to protect me if I'm in danger. I'm going to be just fine. I promise."

Jim's eyes flickered on you briefly, before he sighed and turned to look at you. He pulled you into a tight hug, which was unusual to him.

"Unfortunately, you're right. So I guess... it's alright then. You just have to be" Jim glared at Oswald "careful."

"Alright? How the fuck is anything "alright" with this? Your sister is going to marry a criminal!" Harvey gestured towards Oswald and Oswald's smile just widened in amusement.

"I'm going to leave you boys fighting now, we've got a dinner to eat. Geez, you fight like an old married couple..." you giggled, shaking your head at the two. Oswald offered his arm to you and so you walked into the rain, but fortunately, Oswald's limousine was parked right in front of the police department.

Oswald kissed your forehead as you had sat down in the limousine.

"I love how you stood up to your big brother and Harvey for me. I must say, Jim's reaction was a surprise. I was sure he's going to skin me alive." He furrowed his eyebrows in wonder and you shrugged.

"I thought he's going to do just that too, but I think it's finally going into his big thick skull that he can't control me for the rest of my life if he wants to stay in contact with me." you answered and smirked.

Oswald took your hand on his own and kissed the back of your hand gently.

"I love you, my future mrs. Cobblepot." he whispered and you brought your hand to stroke his cheek.

"I love you too, mr. Cobblepot."

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