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Characters: Oswald Cobblepot, Ed Nygma, Jerome Valeska, Jeremiah Valeska, Victor Zsazs and Barbara Kean

A/N: I hope you like it!


Oswald Cobblepot

It was easier for him to confess his crimes and what he's doing in Gotham to you - because he knew you'll understand. Many wouldn't, but it's Gotham so you gotta do what you gotta do - as long as Oswald won't force you to commit any crimes, it's all good, and why he even would do that? Like he was not-so-violent when he was younger and only being in Fish's gang made him think that violence was the only way to survive in Gotham if you didn't want to be protected by someone, and Oswald was thirsty for power so protection was not even an option. He also makes sure nothing happens to you and sometimes, because of your kind and trusting nature and might be super blue-eyed sometimes - he might be fearing that if you get a new friend, they're just a spy his enemy sent to "befriend" you to spy him - and maybe kill you in the process. So if you really trust your new friend, you gotta make your friend prove it to Oswald that they're not a spy. That's the only way he'll trust them more. 

Ed Nygma

You remind him of Kristen - she was innocent, sweet and kind too, who got scared easily. But you also were trustful and trusted Ed even after knowing who he really was - even though it scared you at first. The Riddler, on the other hand, doesn't like it first - thinking you'll be too easy to manipulate if you get talked by wrong people - but Ed knows that's not the case. You'd be easy to manipulate, yes - but you're also super loyal and won't spill any secrets and you have learned to realize if you're being manipulated, and the Riddler later realized it too and approved your relationship (and even takes over if you needed protection). 

Jerome Valeska

As you can expect, he doesn't understand it and wants to drive you crazy like him. He might try to manipulate you by telling you that you're not loving him enough or that you're fearing him and that's why you won't do violence. He of course doesn't really believe so, but he wants to see if he gets you to break under pressure. When you don't, after his several tries, he gives up and decides that if your "pussiness", as he calls it, won't mess with his plans or you won't make him be "a pussy" too, he won't care about it. 

Jeremiah Valeska

His non-gassed version is happy he's not alone with his non-violent nature - you could relate to each other. He doesn't like violence either and is a poor innocent bean who just would want to stay under the covers when he's scared if he wasn't afraid for his life. Fortunately you had Ecco protecting you if things went down/were threatening to go down.

His gassed version - if you're still dating him regardless of his drastic personality change/start dating him after he was gassed - is indifferent because of it. And just like with Jerome, if it doesn't mess with his plans, he's all good with it. 

Victor Zsazs

He doesn't care if you like violence or not, he loves you for you and not because of how you'd punch people if you had to. He's there to do that for you anyways. Though he's kinda afraid you'll get brainwashed if you get across wrong people and that's why he wants you to tell everything if you meet someone new who you're befriending. And he just might watch them for weeks to make sure they don't have any ill wills - he's a master with staying hidden after all, it's something he has learned from being an assassin. And if he finds out something shady, he's doubling his watching schedules and if he sees them talking to his enemy etc, he's killing them. Not even a question. 

Barbara Kean

She finds it cute and she of course protects you from any harm - because of her job, you're bound to get scared. But if you can take it, she pays you back with protection. No one messes with her partner or they will pay for it. And ooohh gosh if someone dares to step their boundaries with you, she's willing to poke their eyes out first, let them scream for an hour and kill them. That's what you get if you get on her bad side for harassing her partner, and the whole city knows it.

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