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Characters: Oswald Cobblepot, Ed Nygma, Jerome Valeska, Jeremiah Valeska, Victor Zsasz, Barbara Kean

Oswald Cobblepot

Oh no, he's not having it at all. He demands to know who made you cry so he could punish them with all his might. Then he takes you into his arms and holds you there until you stop crying. He hates to see you cry and it makes him feel bad because he wants to protect you from all the dangers in the outside world but at the same time he knows that he can't fully protect you if he doesn't lock you up (and he doesn't want to do that).

Ed Nygma

His Ed side comforts you and tells you that the person who made you cry doesn't know you and that they'd take back their words if they saw you now. But his Riddler side lunges for revenge at the moment Ed lets him take over. The Riddler can't stand people who hurt his saner half's loved ones even though he tends to think that love is a weakness but even he has a soft spot for you. So the person who hurt you will suffer physically as much as they've hurt you emotionally.

Jerome Valeska

You can see the fire in his eyes the moment you come home in tears. He then proceeds to ask what had happened and when you tell him, he's having none of it and consider that person having their funeral soon. He comes home covered in blood and the biggest and giddiest smile on his face as he tells you that the person has been dealt with, and for the rest of the evening you might watch a movie and eat something good to get your thoughts away from the incident.

Jeremiah Valeska

His non-gassed version tells you that that person doesn't know what they're talking about and that they're only jealous because you're gorgeous and smart, and those two features are extraordinary within you, so he just convinces you that the person who made you cry is only jealous. But he still might send Echo to give them a little "talk".

His gassed version isn't good at comforting. But the moment he hears who has hurt you and made you cry, he hunts them down, breaks their legs and tells them that if they ever come near you again, he's making sure they die very painfully, which leaves them shaking from the thought of ever seeing you again. And after that he tells you that the person has been taken care of.

Victor Zsasz

He doesn't get mad personally that easily, but when you come home crying, he finds himself clenching his fists as he listens to you about what happened. He might play cool about it when he confronts the person who made you cry but that ends him threatening to kill them if they ever made you cry again. Then he smiles at the now terrified person and leaves them. Afterward he tells you it's all good and that they wouldn't bother you anymore.

Barbara Kean

Oh boy, she's fierce if someone hurts you. She's telling her henchmen to hunt the person who made you cry down and she'll beat them with something herself to show everyone that you shouldn't be touched if they don't mean good. Then she's making you a drink and talking with you until you calm down.

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