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Based on Unhealthy Obsession by the Blake Robinson Synthetic Orchestra:

You just don't know it yet but you love me and I love you the same / One day we'll have a pretty wedding and I'll be your everything / We'll be together, yes forever, we will never ever part / Oh you don't know it yet but baby I've already got your heart

Warnings: obsessive behavior, stalking, mention of violence and blood

Word count: 324

He had been on your back for weeks. That disgusting old man who always figured out your new phone number, telling you that you'd get married and and you'd become his, that you'll learn to love him. You had to change your number every once in a while, moving out from your home and even made yourself an alias name to shield yourself from him - but nothing helped and he always managed to find you.

You worked for Oswald Cobblepot, the Penguin, one of the most feared criminals in Gotham. You knew that the Penguin's henchmen could get that man off from your back, but you didn't want to bother him, he had bigger things to worry about, such as planning his next crime. You only had one stalker, he had plans to take over to the city.

But he valued you, he thought you were one of his most loyal henchmen and after seeing that same man appearing from behind the corner and following you, he knew what was up. And it didn't take long, next day that man hadn't bombarded you with calls and messages anymore, and that made you wonder if something had happened to him, but you were happy when nobody was harassing you the whole day.

And as you got to work, you saw Oswald's bloodied coat, thrown over the stair railing as he was cleaning himself up in front of a mirror.

"Did you kill someone already?" you asked and Oswald scoffed.

"Some people don't know how to behave." he turned to you and smirked. "Isn't it a peaceful morning, Y/N?"

You blinked at Oswald, catching his hint right away. Then you nodded at him. "Thank you, Mr. Cobblepot."

He raised his eyebrows, pretending he knew nothing. "For what?"

You smirked, deciding to play along. "For... being an amazing boss."

He nodded and turned to look at himself from the mirror again. "Anything for my favorite worker."

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