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(The reader is a female)


"Find that little snitch and bring them to me." Oswald growled at Victor, who nodded.

"Yes, boss." And as he turned around, your daughter was staring right at Victor's face. He nodded at her. "Hello, little Ms. Cobblepot."

Oswald's gaze snapped on your daughter in horror as he realized Victor's words when he had gone out, realizing his daughter had been standing there for God knows how long.

"Y/N!" Oswald yelled and you came running to him from the kitchen.


"She probably heard everything we talked... I forgot to shut the doors. There was information which is not suitable for a child-"

"Snitch." she interrupted Oswald and giggled. "Find that little snitch."

Oswald's eyes widened as he stared at your daughter and you sighed. "Maybe it's not that bad. If she just heard that you're finding that snitch... she probably doesn't even know what's a snitch. And she doesn't know what you're doing to them."

Your daughter just played with her hoodie string while she looked at you two talking, before she started walking away. But not without mimicking her father's limp, which got a chuckle out of you. Oswald rolled his eyes.

"Oh, great, now she got into that imitating phase."

He tried to act frustrated about it, but you hadn't missed that smile that was on his lips a moment earlier. He felt glad that his daughter tried to imitate him, because it told him that she hadn't gotten spooked like he had been fearing.

And as you watched your daughter going on with her fake limp, you grinned - because she was clearly a daddy's girl.

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