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Prompt: "It's alright to be a bit crazy. At least a minute of craziness in a day keeps the doctor away."

Word count: 205

Butch charged towards his opponent, slamming him against the railing, making the crowd cheer in joy and amazement. Ed just danced and giggled beside you while watching him go. Every win for Butch meant more money to his pocket, and he loved seeing the money flow.

But after watching it for the whole evening, it started to bug you. "Ed, stop it. Your giggling makes you sound like you're crazy."

Ed stopped dancing and turned to look at you. "I'm just happy that Butch makes us rich."

You sighed. "Yeah, I know that. And I think it's great, but your constant dancing and giggling ruins the mood. Plus you seem a little crazy like that, no offense."

"It's alright to be a bit crazy. At least a minute of craziness in a day keeps the doctor away." he grinned at you and you snorted.

"Yeah, but you've been like that for hours."

"The doctor will be away for longer." he just replied and turned his gaze to the ring again, his eyes lighting up the moment he saw Butch lifting his opponent to the air and slamming him against the ground, causing the crowd to cheer louder. "Oh, look! There's my money boy going again."

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