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Based on I'm Going Slightly Mad by Queen:

You're missing that one final screw / You're simply not in the pink, my dear / To be honest, you haven't got a clue

Warnings: angst, violence, torture, mentions of death, the reader is sadistic?? Under the cut just in case.

Word count: 375

You were finally losing your mind. The final screw was just about to drop.

It came to you as you beat up Oswald's spy goonies. They screamed in pain, begged for mercy, but you just laughed and continued, cutting their fingers off one by one, making them squirm in Oswald's feet, begging for forgiveness and to be killed.

When you first came to work for Oswald, you were just like his other workers. An insignificant criminal with a few robberies and such on your account. You quickly grew to be his favorite, and one of the most valued members of his gang. You were hardworking and always made Oswald happy with your work. He even considered you as his friend.

But after Oswald's enemies killed all of your friends and people close to you to get to you, to make you come down, you just lost it. Oswald immediately hunted the killers down, letting you kill them, and slowly you spun down to a pit of madness, starting to enjoy violence and things you previously only did if it was necessary. You had never tortured anyone, but now you were the first in line if Oswald needed someone to be interrogated. Others feared you, making it almost impossible for Oswald to have a snitch. Most confessed that they were forced to spy on Oswald right as they stepped into the house for the first time so they wouldn't end up sitting in your chamber, in hopes Oswald would protect them from his enemies, and often he made them a double agent and other times took them in to work for him instead. They would always behave well, do enough work, because you were their greatest fear.

And even though you were a completely different person now than the one who stepped into Oswald's world, he valued you - because of you, he would never have snitches again. He had hoped it had gone the other way and you wouldn't have had lost so much in order to be like that, but Oswald knew how it felt to lose everything and enjoy having revenge on it. He could relate to you, and even though you were beyond any "help" by now, he could still enjoy your company.

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