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Prompt: enemies to friends (or friends to enemies to friends)

Warnings: some angst

Word count: 525

You used to be the best of friends growing up, Jonathan always came to you if he needed someone to talk to. His father was far too invested in his own projects to beat fear, and Jonathan was sometimes scared of him, so he came to you. You would watch movies together, play board games and just have a good time, and Jonathan felt like his anxiety, fears and his continuous feeling of being alone in this world subsided when he was with you.

But everything changed when his father died and left Jonathan a legacy where a scarecrow would haunt his every waking hour. He was locked away in a mental hospital, and you couldn't visit him, since you weren't a family member. He had no family anymore, and you were all he had.

And from his point of view, you had abandoned him. He was alone. He had no one. And Reed had confirmed all his fears.

"Even your little friend Y/N wants nothing to do with you."

And when he finally gave in to his fears and became his fear, that thought still lived on in him as he saw you for the first time in years. He hated you. And that was all he had in his head when he surprised you on your way home. You didn't even know it's Jonathan because he had his costume on, you just saw someone GCPD was looking for as he cornered you in a dark alley, him snatching your phone away from you before you could call anyone.

"How did it feel?" he suddenly asked after he had been looming over you for a bit, and your eyes widened at the distinct familiarity in his voice, and your gaze slowly met his. "How did it feel to abandon me when I needed you the most?"

Your blinked, slowly realizing what had happened. "Jonathan?"

"Just tell me!" he slammed you against the back wall, and you let out a whimper. "Why did you abandon me? You knew you were all I had!"

You quickly put the puzzle pieces together and took a hold of his arms. "They didn't let me meet you!" you screamed and squeezed his arms, silently begging him to believe you while trying to hold your tears back, and you felt Jonathan loosening his grip a bit. "I was told that... because I'm not your biological family..."

You let out a sob as your head dipped forwards to lean against Jonathan's chest and he suddenly felt stupid. Reed had manipulated him in so many ways and he could see right through them all when he came to his senses again, but for some reason he had successfully dug the fear of you abandoning him too deep, and so the fear and sorrow of loss had turned themselves into hate and bitterness.

So he let go of your arms and hugged you, letting out a long sigh.

"I'm sorry, Y/N."

You smiled sadly at him, wrapping your arms around him and pressing your head against his shoulder. "You have nothing to be sorry about. It's good to have you back."

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