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When Ed started dating you, he was a little bit worried about how his Riddler side would take it. He always had tried to convince Ed into thinking that love is a weakness, and something he should be ashamed of, and Ed was afraid that The Riddler would do something to you when he took control of Ed.

But to his surprise, The Riddler seemed to be rather fond of you. Sure he was suspicious at first and Ed had a major fight with him about whether he should begin to date you, but after Ed forced The Riddler to let himself to try if that would even work, he realized that you weren't like The Riddler had thought. You weren't like those dull people Ed had tried to date earlier, you were quirky and rather good with riddles.

The Riddler took control sometimes, testing how you'd react to someone little bit darker, and though you were a bit confused about the change at first, you adapted quickly, liking the both sides of him. The Riddler observed you curiously, throwing some of his best riddles at you, you didn't get them all but you tried, thinking hard for a moment and then asking for an answer. He appreciated that, as some of his victims didn't even seem to try, though the fear of death was one of the flaws in that.

So he let Ed date you, as he liked you himself too, and Ed was happy that at least he and The Riddler had one thing in common, and the love of his life wouldn't be in danger.

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