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"Here, I made you a riddle," Ed smiled as he held out the paper. You looked up from your desk to see your crush smiling at you and sighed.

"Ed, you know I have to work. There's new cases," you explained. He nodded.

"You can solve them once you're at home," he said with a smirk on his face. You smiled at him, Ed was really the only one who loved riddles as much as you did, if not more. And it was so sweet of him to make new riddles for you once in a while, working as a detective at GCPD required wit, and Ed's riddles were just enough difficulty to train your brains.

"Okay. Thanks, Ed." You took the paper from him, folded it neatly and put it into your wallet, deciding to look at it once you'll get home. Which was sooner than you thought, the case got a strong lead, making Jim and Harvey going to investigate and you were told to go home.

Once you were sitting comfortably on your sofa, you took out the paper and read the riddle. It seemed pretty straightforward until the last sentence: 'The answer is on the second card"'.

You frowned at it, Ed never gave answers away. But the riddle didn't make much sense without looking at the next card, so you looked at it and it, too, had a "check the next card to find out about what am I" and once again, it didn't make any sense without the third and final card.

The final card read 'The answer is me' which made you even more confused, before you started reading the cards through again, slowly rearranging the meanings behind words and your eyes widened as you realised what the last sentence meant - sure others had teased you that the "strange man from the science technician department" was paying more attention to you than anyone else, and you had protected him a few times when he got bullied by your colleagues, but him actually being in love with you? Your heart began beating a little bit faster as you thought about it, staring at the cards which together formed a sentence 'a strange man loves you'.

Your face burned as you felt a smile spreading, not sure if you could wait until tomorrow to tell Ed that you love the strange man back...

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