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Characters: Oswald Cobblepot, Ed Nygma, Jerome Valeska, Jeremiah Valeska, Victor Zsasz, Barbara Kean

Oswald Cobblepot

- One night, you were tired and fell to sleep on Oswald's couch while reading a book - Oswald put a blanket over you and you muttered a "I love you". You might not even realize saying it - maybe you say it in your dream. But to Oswald, it meant more than you might even realize. To him, you saying those three, seemingly simple words, meant that someone fully trusted him again. Someone cared for him in a way he didn't believe he'd fully experience. So he smiled down at your now sleeping form, and placed a kiss on top of your head, muttering, "I love you too, Y/N".

Edward Nygma

- It kinda came out by accident. You watched Ed work with his plans, admiring how brilliant his mind was. Whether you were a criminal or not - approved his schemes or not, you couldn't help but admire how brilliant his mind was. He would ignore it at first, because his Riddler side doesn't want Ed's soft side to hear it, but eventually Ed's heart starts beating slightly faster at your words, as you were now red - you weren't used to say such intimate things to anyone. But Ed glanced at you with a slight smile on his face, and that told you everything. Maybe his Riddler side wouldn't let him say it, but even it cared about you in a way it had prevented Ed to care about anyone.

Jerome Valeska

- When you blurt it out when you're in your thoughts as you're cuddled at the sofa, he would let out a stifled laughter, which got you to realize what you had said and slap a hand on your mouth in embarrassment. "I'm that lovely to you, huh?" he would cackle, which got you to go even redder. "Aww don't look like that. Don't think I'm being cheesy or admitting anything but... mmmmaybe I care about you more than I care about most people."

Jeremiah Valeska

- Before the gas, being shy as well, he would be baffled and flustered at your confession after you mutter it to him while watching him work with the Wayne Industry projects, not knowing how to answer at first. Then, after several minutes, he would say it back with a shy smile. "I love you too."

If this happens after the gas, he would just grin at you and say, "even though I always try to think that loving someone is a weakness when you're in this job... I must admit, you have been something special." He wouldn't say it straight into your face, but you knew he loved you too.

Victor Zsasz

- When he's on his missions, he's kinda heartless and emotionless. He just shuts everything out. But with you, he's different - and maybe that made you be more open-minded with him. You learn to open up to him, and one day, that resulted in you confessing your love to him. You would smile at him and say it. "I love you." It rolled off your tongue - three words which would have been so incredibly hard to say just a few months ago. But now you did, and it just made you feel good. Not awkward, nor did you wait for Victor snort at you or anything. You knew he'd just half-smile at you and place a kiss on your forehead before answering those three words too, which he did.

Barbara Kean

- When Barbara came back to the club with a wound on her arm, your fears about her criminal life were suddenly lit up. You would get into your first fight - the one where you actually said harsh things to your girlfriend. Barbara would just snort and brush it off, saying, "It shouldn't bother you this much, it's my wound and not yours." and you would answer,"oh, maybe I care because I happen to love you!" you would scream, but you clasp your hand in front of your mouth right after that. You didn't do it because you confessed your love for Barbara, but because you hadn't been used to yelling to anyone. You both stared at each other for a while, the club still echoing back your scream. Then Barbara pouted. "I'm sorry baby..." her pout turned into a grin, "but you're kinda hot when you scream at me like that. Plus, I loved hearing that you love me... could you say it again?"

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