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Characters: Oswald Cobblepot, Ed Nygma and Victor Zsasz

A/N: I watched baby videos for research :D I hope you like it!

Oswald Cobblepot

Oswald isn't fond of kids, but with his kid it's different. He gets to participate in raising them and making sure they're not becoming "brats". And when he sees that your baby starts walking, he almost jumps off from the sofa because he immediately doesn't realize that little thing was his child. But then he gets excited and just swoops them into his arms, making the kid giggle. He just might not like it as much when your baby gets into the adventure mode and roams around his manor when there are criminals in a meeting... you might have to be with your child playing in their room for the time being so the little rascal won't get traumatized of their father's doings.

Edward Nygma

He's staring at your child in bewilderment, because he didn't even realize it had been already a year since your child had been born. And yet there they go, walking around your apartment and making excited noises as they go. You grin at Ed before you swoop the child into your arms and praise them, and after a moment Ed comes over to hug you two too. You let go of the kid and let them roam around the apartment. You also might need to put a higher fence on their cradle because they could climb over as they learn how fun walking is.

Victor Zsasz

When your child takes their first steps while you're present, Victor chuckles and says "well, look who just learned how to walk." Soon after that, you have to start restricting the areas where they can go and Victor has to transfer his weapon room to somewhere else. Your child walking was a moment of excitement for you (and to Victor too but he just contained his excitement better) but when the kid realizes that walking is something new and fun, they start going into places they're not allowed to go, so the moment they start walking, make sure to lock all the forbidden rooms.

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