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- He's not that tall either, so he loves it if you're shorter than him.

- He drapes an arm around your shoulders or waist whenever he feels you're in danger. That way, he lets people know that you're his girlfriend/wife and swipes away any possible dangers. Because you know what happens if you mess with the Penguin...

- He's constantly afraid that his enemies take advantage of you and possibly kidnap you. Some of his enemies are colossal meatchunks and you're just as tall as a fire extinguisher compared to them, and if you don't know how to defend yourself, you won't stand a chance.

- So he might make you take some self defense-classes (mainly about how to escape from a kidnapping situation) if you already don't know how to defend yourself.

- Some shelves in your kitchen are difficult because neither of you can reach the top shelves without ladders.

- He kisses you on your forehead every time you see each other after being separated for a whole day or even a week.

- He can't lift you up to the air and spin you around when he's happy because of his leg but instead he gives a lot of kisses on top of your head. Most of them by surprise.

- He really doesn't use pet names, but e.g. Victor might refer to you as "hey boss, where did you leave that little peanut of yours? Haven't seen her."

- Oswald responds with rolling his eyes and a "her name is still Y/N... and she's visiting her friend."

- At parties, Oswald tends to lose you to the crowd because you're so small. At the first times, he's terrified because he couldn't find you and you couldn't hear him through loud music.

- But eventually he found you and you were flustered to see how worried Oswald looked as he finally stumbled to you.

- Your friends might fear for your safety because you're dating a criminal who has dangerous friends and especially enemies.

- But you knew it better - Oswald would never let anything happen to you.

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