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(The reader is a female in this fic)


- He plans a little party to celebrate your anniversary.

- He's being an extreme perfectionist about the decorations and schedules and his workers don't appreciate being covered in serpents and flower petals.

- But Oswald wants it to be perfect for you to the top so his henchmen will work with your party decorations or they can feel Oswald's wrath.

- He might be a bit hotheaded if something hasn't been done properly with his decorations because he's super afraid the decorations won't be ready in time.

- But when they're ready and you come home to be surprised with a flower and serpent rain, you're impressed and ask Oswald has he done it all just to celebrate your first anniversary.

- He grins and says "guilty."

- Every corner of the house had been beautifully decorated.

- Some of Oswald's henchmen had a black eye or a bandage over their cheek for not being effective enough but you've gotten used to seeing things like that.

- Oswald has bought you numerous gifts to celebrate your anniversary.

- He also drowns you in sweet and loving words and gestures that day (cuddles, kisses, hugs etc)

- He wants you to know with every way possible that even though he's a criminal and does a lot of bad things, he'll always love you and would never hurt you.

- And when he tells you that, you'd take his hands in your own and tell him that you have always known it.

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