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(The reader is a female in this fic)

Christmas time with your lovely newly-wed husband was a wonderful time. Oswald didn't like Christmas as much as you did, but you enjoyed it for him too.

A year ago, you had just been engaged - and Jim had been out of town. But now Jim was in Gotham at the time of Christmas, and even though you knew Jim didn't exactly approve your new husband, you wanted to invite him too. You knew there would be a lot of teeth-gritting and mutterings under their breaths, but you could just hope they would be civil just this one night. It was Christmas, and you didn't want it to end in a fight.

So when Jim arrived at Oswald's mansion, and you hugged Jim, you told him that you had asked Oswald to be civil towards him, and he had promised it. And you made Jim promise the same, which he - albeit reluctantly - did.

Even when the mansion was big, it didn't take long for Jim and Oswald to bump to each other.

Oswald grinned. "Hello, old friend."

"Oswald." Jim answered, nodding and then turning his attention to somewhere else. He did hard work with gathering all his willpower not to snap at your husband. He couldn't say that he thinks he's a bad husband for you - not in front of all the other guests. As much as he would have loved to embarrass Oswald, he knew he would also embarrass you, so he held his tongue in place and sighed whenever he heard Oswald talking to you or you squealing in awe when you opened the present Oswald had given you.

Jim didn't approve Oswald as your husband, that was clear without even saying. But he also loved you - his sister. And he knew you were smart and - as much as he hated to admit it - your love seemed to be real, from Oswald and from you. So if Oswald made you happy, he would stand there with you and try to swallow the fact that you were married to a criminal. Whatever it took, he would always be there for you.

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